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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/829

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742 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 741-743. 1905. the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to purchase and erect over the grave of Major Pierre Charles L’Enfant, at its present location, a tombstone inscribed as said Commissioners shall direct: Pro- !'*¤•*••·ml|" dum] vided, That the owners of the land whereon said grave is situated uu, ew. shall dedicate a plot of ground, acceptable to said Commissioners, to be reserved in perpetuity as such burial.site, and shall also dedicate a permanent right of way for the use of the public over their said land from the adjacent public road to said burial site. Approved, February 23, 1905. I"°*"“*-'Y Rv lm- CHAP. 742.-An Act Authorizing the Commimioners of the District of Columbia

 m rumah rename water without charge to manure msmumm , and so umn, in

lrumic, N0. 96.] the District ot Columbia. _ _ Be it enacted the Senate andH0uae of Resentattveo 0 the United Dg,"§L°{;.Y°i?.*.h%‘. Statea of Aming in (Jmsgreas aasernbZed,`fTha(?t€)t·he Commisséners of the §g:,”·mj0”;,·*Q°?§*f,*ee?f District of Columbia be, and are hereby, authorized to finnish Potomac water without charge to charitable institutions and such institutions as _ receive annual appropriations from Congress, to an amount to be fixed in each case by the said Commissioners, not to exceed a rate of one ‘·*"“*· hundred gallons per day for each inmate of said institutions; and for all water used beyond such an amount,` to be ascertained_ by water meters installed and maintained at the expense of the consumer, the - institution shall be charged at the prevailing rate for the use of water in the District of Columbia, which shall be collected in the manner °*“"°h°*· prescribed for the collection of water rents. The said Commissioners are further authorized to furnish Potomac water without charge to U i churches to an amount to be iixed in each case by the said Com1nis— m t' sioners, and any amount used in excess of the amount allowed, to he ascertained in the manner aforesaid, shall be charged and collected as R°¤***¤‘*i°¤°· hereinbefore described. For the purposes of this Act a charitable ‘ institution is one whose op-ljects are primarily eleemosynary; and nothing herein contained sha be so construed as to include educational institutions other than charity schools wholl supported by voluntary contributions or institutions supported wholly or m part by Congressional appropriations. .

  • “‘°“°'“°““* Sec. 2. That all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act are

V hereby repealed. Approved, February 23, 1905.

 CHAP. _743.·-An Act To close and ogen an alley in scpiare numbered eight hunihlgfgg bgi dred and six in the city of \Vasbington, istnct of Colum ia.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Reaentatirvea of the United l§f;}$,;°{,}’°j}}’§;"{j; States of America in Congreaa assembled, mt the Commissioners of umm sm. the District of Columbia are hereby authorized and directed to vamte _ and close the existin alley between parts of lots one and eight in °°“‘""°““· square eight hundred; and six in the city of Washington, providing the owner of said parts of lots one and eight dedicate land for another alley of not less than equal area, to be approved by said Commissioners. R°"°"‘°“· Sec. 2. That the land in the alley closed and vacated shall revert to the owner of the land abutting upon said alley. Approved, February 23, 1905.