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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/830

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Chs. 744, 777. 1905.

FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 744, 777. 1905. 743 CHAP. 744.-An Act To rom the i ‘ gage.;]February2S, 1905. interstate commerce, and to elhcougatge thdesalirlidg bi ligiel upon mlmads cn m [IL R· 18785] Public, No. 98. Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of]? esentattlvea of the United _ 1 States og America in Congress assembled, mt the President of the mtg: “’"‘“‘ °“ “‘“‘ United tates be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause to be prepared M¤¤¤L· <>f ¤¤¤<>rf¤r- bronze medals of honor, with suitable emblematic devices, which shall be bestowed upon any persons who shall hereafter, bv extreme daring, endanger their own lives in saving, or endeavoring to save, lives from any wreck, disaster, or grave accident, or in preventing or endeavoring to prevent such wreck, disaster, or grave accident, upon any railroad within the United States engaged in interstate commerce: Pro- HMO- vided, That no award of said medal shall be made to an person until P¤>°¤ sufficient evidence of his deserving shall have been flzrnished and plraced on file, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the esident of the United States. Sec. 2. That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, R°¤°**¤¤· M- authorized to issue to any person to whom a medal of honor may be awarded under the rovisions of this Act a rosette or knot, to be worn in lieu of the medal), and a ribbon to be worn with the medal; said rosette or knot and ribbon to be each of a ttern to be prescribed by the President of the United States: Pro/uid3i, That whenever a ribbon ribbon issued under the rovisions of this Act shall have been lost, destroyed," or rendered untilt for use without fault or neglect on the part of the person to whom it was issued, a new ribbon shall be issued to such person without charge therefor. . Sec. 3. That the appropriations for the enforcement and execution ,,;,{g_"’°”° °* °¤· of the provisions of the Acts to promote the safety of employees and vm. 21, p. sn. travelers upon railroads are hereby made availab e for carrying out · the provisions of this Act. Approved, February 23, 1905.

February 24, 1905. [H. R. 9548.]

CHAP. 777.—An Act For the allowance of certain claims reported by the Court of Claims, and for other purposes.

Appropriations for payment of claims reported by Court of Claims, etc.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to claimants in this Act named the several sums appropriated herein, the same being in full for and the receipt of the same to be taken and accepted in each case as a full and final release and discharge of their respective claims, namely:



To Thomas M. Hobbs, of Limestone County, seven thousand six hundred and sixty-two dollars.

To B. W. Hewitt. administrator of Doctor V. Burrow, deceased, of Lauderdale County, six hundred and sixty-seven dollars.

To Jesse Keys, of Madison County, six hundred and twenty-three dollars.

To H. B. Lansden, administrator of Martha W. Lansden, deceased, of Marshall County, four hundred and forty-eight dollars.

To John J. Turrentine, administrator of the estate of Andrew McWilliams, deceased, of Limestone County, eight hundred and sixty dollars.

To William A. Walker, of Colbert County, three hundred and thirty dollars.