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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/838

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 777. 1905. 751 To Susan_Fassett, widow of Thomas O. F assett, deceased, four hundred and thirty-six dollars and ninety cents. d Io Nathian H.t.lIunk1ns, of York County, four hundred and sixty o ars an fifty- ree cents. t TodC%arles gmmn, of Sagadahoc County, one hundred and six- » een dollars an n cents. To Annie E. Deering, widow of George A. Deering, deceased, seven hundred and thirty-cig t dollars and ninety cents. 'Io daughter of Samuel Larkin., deceased, seven -e1g t o rs an twenty cents. H1 George A. Norris, nine hundred dollars and thirty-five cents. To Kate _R. Morgan, widow of William A. Morgan, deceased, five hundred and thirty-three dollars and twenty-four cents. To George L. Hall, executor of Elbri ge D. Hall, deceased, six hundred and eighty-seven dollars and thirty-nine cents. d T; Pgrcy Bryaulit, soln lot Nathaniel C. Bryant, deceased, one hunre an mnety-t ree dollars an sixt cents. ` To Charles E. Tallman, five hundred, and sixty-one dollars and nine cents. MARYLAND. Maryland. To Charles F. Elgin, administrator of the estate of William S. El 'n, gl deceased, of Washington County, one thousand and ninety dollars. To Ezra Marker, surviving executor of James Marker, deceased, of Washington County, two thousand three hundred and ninedollars. To Samuel Avey and Elizabeth Avey, executors of the estate of Jaclob Age , deceand, of Washington County, three hundred and ei teen _ . sfo Mahlon Hamilton, administrator de bonis non of J ohn Hamilton, , deceased, og the city of Baltimore, eleven thousand nine' hundred and ninetv-one dollars. To“Charles W. Hoffman, executor of Williani C. Hoffman, deceased, gfulirederick County, two thousand eight hundred and forty-five o ars. To Euromus H. Hoffman, administrator of the estate of Susan Hoffman, deceased, of \Vashington County, two hundred and forty- five dollars. · To John C. Middlekaud', administrator of John J. Middlekauil`, deceased, of Washin ton County, six hundred and eighteen dollars. h1To Andrelw IH. xlrleinhart, of Frederick County, four hundred and t 'rty- our ol ars. To Lewis W. Riddlemoser and Marion F. Riddlemoser, sole heirs of Ephraim Riddleimfiser, deceased, of Frederick County, one hundred and twenty-seven dollars. To G. Einlegv Smith, administrator of the estate of David Smith, deceased, of ’ashington County, one thousand nine hundred and

  • entv—four dollars.

Tlfo William S. Tildon, of Harford County, three hundred and thirty llars. · ( 0'Fo Kirby Wade and James Snyder, executors of the estate of William Wade, deceased, of Washington County, one thousand one hund d d t *ei t -four dollars. r'tI`o ’lIlulia“Whl$;ih, administratrix of the estate of Murtha Walsh, deceased of Washin ton County, one hundred dollars. To Cliver Peacger, administrator of John Peacher, deceased, of Washington County, five hundred and thirty dollars. To Eu ne L. Derr, administrator of the estate of John Derr, deceased, o$€Frederick County, one thousand one hundred and nineteen d ll . OTT-I—Ienry Young, of Montgomery County, one thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars.