Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/839

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752 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 777. 1905. To Christian Smith, of Washington County, six hundred and sixteen dollars. To Jennie E. Haller, administratrix of Samuel M. Haller, deceased, of the city of Cumberland four hundred and twenty-five dollars. To John W. George, administrator of John Wineow, deceased, of Allegany County, four hundred and twelve dollars. To R. G. Johnson, administrator of Washington Stone, deceased, of Frederick Counpy, three hundred and fifty-two dollars. To Josephus J. Harley, administrator e bonis non of Otho F. Harley, deceased, of Frederick County six hundred and fifty-four dollars. To Leonora Cline, executrix and Hu h Jacob George Cline, executor of the estate of the late Hhgh H. Cline, deceased, threehundred and seventy-six dollars and forty-four cents. To Sarah J. Franklin, administratrix of the estate of John S. Franklin, deceased, one hundred and twenty-four dollars and ninety-three cents. To Mary M. Semmes, widow of Alexander A. Semmes, two hundred and nineteen dollars and eighteeu cents. To Ellen A. De Valin, wglow of Charles E. De Valin, deceased, three hundred and forty-six dollars and two cents. . - To Howard E. Ames, two hundred and ninety-four dollars and twenty-four cents. To Charles H. Black, of Baltimore County, two hundred and sixty dollars and eight -two cents. To James Franklin, of Baltimore County, fifty-tive dollars and eighty- nine cents. To D. W. Mullan, of Anne Arundel County, six hundred and twenty- two dollars and forty-seven cents. To Charles J. Murphy, of Anne Arundel County, two thousand one hundred and seventy-two dollars and sixty-tive cents. To Joseph B. Parker, one hundred and forty-one dollars and ninety- two cents. . To William G. Smith, of Anne Arundel County, three thousand one hundred and eighty-two dollars and six cents. To John W. Stewart, of Montgomery County, one hundred and twenty_-two dollars and seyenty-four cents. To ates Stirling, of Baltimore County, one thousand and twenty- five dollars and seventysix cents. To John A. McDonald, of Baltimore County, two hundred and ninetyyleight dollars and sixty-two cents. To il iam G. G. Willson, of '[`albot County. one hundredand twenty- five dollars and seventydive cents. To German H. Hunt, survivor of Robert Poole, deceased, of the city of Baltimore. forty thousand three hundred and twenty-one dollars and three cents. To Thomas Dixon, of Frederick County, five hundred dollars. To the trustees of the Reformed Church of Sharpsburg, \Vashington (Jonny, eight hundred and six dollars. To 'illiam A. Vl’indsor, ninety-one dollars and fifty cents. To Allan McSherrv, administrator de bonis non cum testamento annexo of Augustus H. Kilty, deceased, four hundred and thirty-seven dollars and seventy-tive cents. To Edward Kershner, six hundred and eighty-two dollars and sevent -seven cents. . To Safe Deposit and Trust Com ny, of Baltimore, executor of Edward Dona dson, deceased, two thzusand one hundred and forty- tive dollars and four cents. ` To Emma L. Barry, widow of James J. Barry, deceased, two hundred and ninety-two dollars and live cents. To T. Bascom Vllatkins, twohundred and six dollars and five cents.