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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/840

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1r11¤TY-rzicurn GONGRESS. sm. 111. cu. 777. 1905. 753 To Worth Goldsborough, one thousand one hundred and twenty- nine dollars and thirteen cents. To Robert Arthur, administrator of George Arthur, deceased, fifty dollars and ninety-six cents. _ To Horace Resley; of Cumberland, Allegany County, four hundred and forty-three dol rs. To the trustees of the Lutheran Church of Sharpsburg, Washington County, six hundred dollars. . To the legal representatives of Peter Targarona, of the city of Baltimore, ten thousand dollars. To the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Brunswick, Frederick County, five hundred and eighty-five dollars. To Richard P. Blackistone, of Saint Mary County, six thousand three hundred and twenty-six dollars. _ ‘ MASSACHUSETIS. ¤•¤¤¤<=¤¤¤¢¢¤- To Seth M. Ackley, of Nantucket County, fifty-five dollars and eighty-nine cents. - To William A. Barry, of Suffolk County, one hundred and forty- two dollars and nineteen cents. To William W. Beck, of Suffolk County, one thousand three hundred and eight dollars and twenty-six cents. To George Belknap, of Suffolk County, one hundred and thirty- nine dollars and seventy-three cents. To George A. Crawford, of Suffolk County, thirty-four dollars and twent§five cents. . To eorge T. Davis, of Franklin County, one hundredand sixteen dollars and nine'iy»—five cents. , , To William . Devlan,. of Nantucket County, three hundred and twenty-three dollars and eighty-three cents. ` To Nehemiah M. Dyer, of Middlesex County, seven hundred and iiftv-one dollars and seventy-eight cents. - To Joseph G. Eaton, two hundred and twenty-one dollars and thirty- seven cents. To John G. Foster, of Suffolk County, thirty-two dollars and fifty- five cents. - To Henry P. Grace, of Suffolk County, one hundred and twenty- four dollars and eleven cents. To Martin E. Hall, of Middlesex County, one hundred and sixty- seven dollars and ninety-five cents. To George E. Hendee, of Suffolk County, seven hundred and fifty- four dollars and forty-one cents. To Frank H. Holmes, of Middlesex County, seventy dollars and sixty-nine cents. To Mortimer L. Johnson, one thousand seven hundred and ninety- four dollars and seventy-three cents. To William Jones., of Suffolk County, four hundred and eighty- seven dollars and ninety-seven cents. To Phillips A. Lovering, one hundred and nine dollars and thirty- one cents. 'I`o Lewis M. Melche1·,of Suffolk County, two thousand five hundred and forty-one dollars and fifty-nine cents. To Charles O’N eil, eight hundred and seventy-four dollars and fifteen cents. To Thomas Savage, of Suffolk County, six hundred and ninety-six dollars and twenty cents. To Frank E. Sawyer, one hundred and five dollars and forty-seven cents. To lVilliam H. Summers, of Suffolk county, four hundred and seventy-one dollars and forty-eight cents. vox. xxxm, rr I--48