762 FIFTY-EIGHTH oousaass. sms. 111. cs. 777. wot. To Alex G. Brinckerhoif, administrator of Isaac Brinckerhoil', deceased, three hundred and twentyhve dollars and thirty-eght cents. To Francis E. Hunt and Alice M. Hunt, heirs at law of eorge P. Hunt, deceased, eighty-tive dollars and sixty-four cents. To Hannah Cooper, widow of James M. Cooper, deceased, five hundred and forty-one dollars and eighty cents. . To John E. Roller, four hundred dollars and twenty-eight cents. To Marion L. Thompson, widow of August F. Thompson, deceased, one hundred and thirty-six dollars and eighty cents. _To Peter ()’Conner, one hundred and fifty-three dollars and forty-six cents. To Elizabeth D. Marthon, administratrix of Joseph Marthon, deceased, one thousand three hundred and twenty-two dollars and seventy-four cents. To Arthur Burtis, one thousand four hundred and thirty-tive dollars and eight —six cents. ‘ To Fidlelia S. Prindlc, widow (remarried) of George L. Mead, deceased, two hundred and eighty-one dollars and six cents. To Charles Miller, of Nassau County, seventeen dollars and seventy- six cents. To Andrew Dunlap, five hundred and fifty-seven dollars and eighty cents. To William B. Mann, one hundred and eighty-three dollars and forty- nine cents. To John H. Cahoone and Charles G. Cahoone, heirs at law of Benjamin J. Cahoone, deceased, one thousand one hundred and forty dollars ' and seventy-six cents. To John Dennett, of New York County, two hundred and thirty- four dollars and twenty-four cents. To Mary F. Coons, administratrix of John West, deceased, of Kings County, nine hundred and fifteen dollars and ten cents. To the Allaire W0l‘kS, of the city of New York, fifty thousand two hundred and seventy-seven dollars and sixty-seven cents, payment to be made to Ephraim Miller, president, and no part thereof to any other rson. pcTo Edward J. Galla her, administrator of the estate of Charles Gallagher, deceased, of the city of New York, nine thousand eight hundred and seventy-six dollars and thirty-nine cents. Ncnh Carolina. Noarn onnonma. To Nancy C. Bell (nee Hill), executrix of the estate of Isaac S. Hill, deceased, of Carteret County, one thousand eight hundred and thirtvone dollars. ` To Duncan Darroch, administrator of Daniel Darroch, deceased, of Cumberland Count ·, two hundred and sixty-one dollars. To Thomas F. MhCarthy, administrator of Henry Covert, deceased, of Craven County, three hundred and seventy-eight dollars. To Reuben Jones, administrator of Theophilus Weaver, deceased, of Harnett County, five hundred and fifty dollars. _ To Jolm W. Snipes, administrator of Arthur Pierce, deceased, of Johnson County, three hundred and sixty-six dollars. To Benjamin L. Bryan, of Jones County, five hundred and seventeen dollars. ‘ To George R. Watkins, of Mitchell County, one thousand and ninety- six dollars and nineteen cents. To John I. Rowland, of Beaufort County, four hundred and twenty dollars. To the Se en’s Friend Socie , of Wilmin ton, one tho ~ hundred andlzlftysix dollars. ty g [hand two
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