FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 777. 1905. 763 To Nelson M. Ferebee, eighty-four dollars and thirty-eight cents. To the wardens and vestry of Saint James Parish, of the city of Wilniington, three thousand one hundred and thirteen dollars. omo. om To Lyman Arms, of Franklin County, two hundred and eighteen dollars and sixty-three cents. To T. W. Benham, of Lucas County, three hundred and five dollars and twenty-six cents. To George E. [de, seven hundred and forty-tive dollars and four cents. To Robert E. Impey, two hundred and thirty-one dollars and twenty- three cents. To Merrill Miller, two hundred and ninety~eight dollars and eight cents. To L. D. Cabaune, executor of the estate of George Talcott, deceased, sixty-one dollars and twenty-six cents. To Joseph Fyife, eight hundred and thirty-five dollars and sixty-one cents. To Alfred L. McDaniel, executor of the estate of Charles A. McDaniel, deceased, seven hundred and fifteen dollars and sixty -two cents. To Frank R. Saiter, administrator of the estate of Byron Wilson, deceased, four hundred and ninety-five dollars and ninety cents. To Winslow Allderdice, eighty-three dollars and tz/ighty-four cents. To Albert I. Smith, administrator of Samuel L. ilson, deceased, seven hundred and ninety-six dollars and seventy-one cents. ‘ To J. P. Andre Mottu, administrator of John C. Burnett, deceased, one hundred, and seventy-two dollars and eleven cents. To Byron Wilson, six hundred and twenty-three dollars and twenty- eight cents. PENNSYLVANIA. , Pennsylvania. To Timothy J. Murphy, administrator of Chalkley Good, deceased. gate of Philadelphia County, one thousand seven hundred and forty ollars. To John Q. Evers0n, last surviving partner of the firm of Everson, Preston and Company, of Pittsburg, A legheny County. nine hundred and twenty-seven dollars and forty-seven cents. To Mark W. Watson, last surviving partner of the tirm of McCully and Compan . of Pittsburg, Allegheny County, one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars and one cent. To John C. Graff, administrator of John Graff, deceased, the last surviving partner of the firm of Graff, Bennett and Company, of Pittsburg, Allegheny County, four thousand three hundred and thirteen dollars and ten cents. To J. Stuart Brown and Henry G. Brown, only surviving partners of the tirm of Brown and Compan , of Pittsburg, Allegheny County, two thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven dollars and ninety cents. To James A. Chambers, executor of Alexander Chambers. deceased, the last surviving partner of A. and D. H. Chambers, of Pittsburg, Allegheny County, one thousand two hundred and ninety-three dollars and seventy-tive cents. _ _ To George A. Chalfant and Charles \V. Spang, only surviving partners of the iirm of S ng, Chalfant and Company, of Pittsburg, Allegheny County, one thhusand seven hundred and tllll'ty—$lX dollars and hftv-five cents. . To John C. Porter, sole surviving partner of McKnight and Companv, of Pittsbur r., Allegheny County, one thousand eight hundred and'twenty-two dollars and one cent.
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