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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/852

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 777. 1905. 765 To George H.. Peters, forty dollars. To Abel F. Price, one hundred and forty-five dollars and seventy- five cents. To B. Franklin Rogers, two hundred and ninety-nine dollars and forty-six cents. . _To Richard Rush one hundred and thirty dollars and forty-one cents. To Alexander Russel], of Philadelphia County, three hundred and eighty-one dollars and thirteen cents. To Charles A. Schetky, of Philadelphia County, two thousand one hundred and ten dollars and eighty-nine cents. To Charles M". Thomas, five {hundred and sixty dollars. To S. Stringiham Willett, of Philadelphia County, one thousand and twenty-seven ollars and seventy-one cents. To William Winder, of Erie County, one hundred and sixty-nine dollars and thirty-one cents. To H. C. Adams, administrator of the estate of Henry A. Adams, deceased, one thousand one hundred and six dollars and eighty-five cents. To Agloe Bache, widow of Albert D. Bache, deceased, nine hundred and fifty-six dollars and ninet —nine cents. ‘ To Alice H. Baughman, widlow of George E. Baughman, deceased, two hundred and one dollars and thirty-six cents. To Ellen V. Hines, administratrix of the estate of Samuel D. Hines, deceased, three hundred and ninet_y—eight. dollars and ninety cents, To Theodore Kitchen, sole surviving executor of the estate of John S. Kitchen, deceased, ni¤ety-two dollars and sixty-five cents. To Elizabeth I. Lowber widow of William Lowber, deceased, three i hundred and seventysix dollars and eighty-eight cents. . V To Mary E. McMaster adrhinistratrix od the estate of James McMaster, deceased, four hundred and four dollars and ninety-niue— cents. ' To Sarah A. McMurtrie, widow of Daniel McMurtrie, deceased, seven hundred and eighty-nine dollars and forty-seven cents. _ To John A. Geissinger, administrator of the estate of William H. Jones, deceased, eight hundred and eighteen dollars and sixty-three cents. To Amelia A. Grim, sister, and Williani Robertson, brother, of James P. Robertson, deceased, seven hundred and thirty-one dollars and sevent -two cents. To (lceana B. Irwin, widow of John Irwin, deceased, one thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight dollars and fifteen cents. To S. Kingston McCay, surviving executor of the estate of Reigart B. Lowry, deceased, three hundre and eighty-nine dollars and our cents. To Caroline F. Mcllvaine, widow of Bloomfield Mcllvaine, deceased, thirty-seven dollars and sixty-tive cents. To Frances M. McShane, nddau hter of Stephen Young, deceased, three hundred and eighty mam and twenty-seven cents. To Dallas Sanders, administrator of the estate of Cary N. Sanders, deceased, six hundred and twenty-three dollars and fourteen cents. To Mary A. Tompkins, administratrix of the estate of Willi.am G. Tompkins, five hundred and ninety-one dollars and twenty-three cents. To Benjamin S. Mackie, of Philadelphia County, one hundred and sixtv·one dollars and sixty-four cents. Tb George W. Omensetter, one hundred and fifty dollars and forty- one cents. To Joseph G. Thomas, of Erie County, three hundred and thirty~ two dollars and fifty cents. _ To Joseph A. Smith, of Philadelphia County, one thousand and sixty- three dollars and one cent.