764 FIFI`Y·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 777. 1905. To Charles H. Zug, sole surviving partner of Zug and Painter, ot Pittsburg, Allegheny County, two thousand nine hundred and forty dollars and sixty-two cents. To Walter Chess, sole surviving partner of Chess, Smyth and Company, of Pittsburg, Allegheny County, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six dollars and twenty-five cents. To Wenman A. Lewis and James S. Lewis, executors of the estate of James C. Lewis, deceased, the last surviving partner of the lirm of Lewis, Dalzel and Company, of Pittsburg, Allegheny County, one thousand and fifty-three dollars and seventy-nine cents. To John S. Slagle and Edwin Miles, only surviving partners of the firm of Shoenberger and Com ny, of Pittsburg, A legheny County, two thousand five hundred andpiiighty-tive dollars and sixty-two cents. To John Lippincott, sole surviving partner of the tirm of Lippincott and Compan , of Pittsburg, Allegheny County, nine hundred and e` hty-nine dbllars and thirty-six cents. l€l`o William J. Moorhead, executor of the estate of James K. Moorhead, deceased, the last surviving partner of the Erm of Livingston, Copeland and Com ny, of Pittsburg, Allegheny County, one thousand and fort -six dldllars and thirty-seven cents. To James Lyon, sole surviving partner of the firm of J. B. Lyon and Com ny, of Pittsburg, Allegheny County, five hundred and forty- three dolliiirs and thirteen cents. To James H. Mitchell, sole surviving partner of the firm of Mitchell, Herron and Compan , of Pittsburg, Allegheny County, three hundred and eighty-three dollars. To John L. Boyd, sole survivin partner of the firm of Jones, Boyd and Company, of Pittsburg, Allegheny County, one thousand two hundred and six dollars and twelve cents. - To Chester B. Albree, executor of the estate of Robert Albree, deceased, the last surviving partner of the iirm of Fahnestock, Albree and Company, of Pittsburg, Allegheny County, seven hundred and eiglhty do lars and sixty cents. o William Varnum, sole survivin rtner of the firm of Hailman Rahm and Compau , of Pittsburg, Allggheny County, two thousand two hundred an iifiyone dollars and ninety-four cents. To D. W. C. Carroll, sole survivin partner of the iirm of Carroll and Snyder, of Pittsburg, Allegheny County, two hundred and thirty- seven ollars and fift cents. To Frank S. Bissell sole survivin partner of the firm of Bissell and Company, of Pittsburg, Allegheny County, two hundred and sixty-two dollars and ninety cents. To Daniel N. Bertolette, of Berks County, one hundred and twenty- five dollars and forty-eight cents. ` To Thomas W. Bonsall, of Delaware County, one thousand three hundred and thirty-nine dollars and thirty-three cents. To James B. Butt, of Philadelphia County, one hundred and ninety- three dollars and sixty-seven cents. To Woodward Carter, of Philadelphia County, ninety-six dollars and forty-four cents. To Charles E. Colahan, five hundred and three dollars and one cent. To George W. Davis, of Philadelphia County, six hundred and eighteen do lars and sixty-two cents. _ To Thomas A. Gill, of Philadelphia County, one hundred and seventy- eiglht dollars and nine cents. o John L. Hannum. of Philadelphia County, forty-four dollars and thirty-eight cents. To Robert P. Lisle, of Philadelphia County, one thousand and twenty- seven dollars and ninety-two cents. · To Edswin Longnecker, one hundred and forty-six dollars and forty. one cen .
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