778 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 777. 1905. To C. C. Dulaney, of Prince William County, fifty dollars. To Robert Dulaney, of Prince William County, fifty dollars. To B. F. Fairfax, of Fairfax County, twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents. To Elvira C. Finn, of Fairfax County, three dollars. . To Mrs. Margaret M. Fitzhugh, of Fairfax County, thirty-seven dollars and seventy-five cents. To J. T. Flaherty, of Prince William County, nineteen dollars and fifty cents. To Thomas Fletcher, of Fairfax County, forty-two dollars and forty- five cents. To Mrs. Jane R. Foley, of Prince William County, thirty-three dollars. To Mary Gaskins, of Fairfax County, nine dollars. To Peter Gri by, of Prince William County, four dollars. To John B. Hint, of Fairfax County, fifty-four dollars and sixty- five cents. To Spencer Hoskins, of Prince William County, six dollars and twenty-6ve cents. To Kiiss Ollie Hinson, of Prince William Count , thirty-one dollars. To Mrs. B. J . Holden, of Fairfax County, fhurteen dollars and ninety-five cents. d Tg David J. Hottenstein, of Prince William County, thirty-one 0 rs. To Henry James, of Prince William County, three dollars. . To Peyton Johnson, of Prince William Count , forty dollars. To J. A. Kinchloe, of Fairfax County, fifty diillars. To W. S. Kinchloe, of Fairfax County, twenty-four dollars. To J. P. Leachman, of Prince William County, eleven dollars. To Mack Lewis, of Prince William County, forty dollars. To Charles Lions, of Prince William County, thirty-two dollars. To Samuel Lloyd, senior, of Prince William County, twenty-two dollars and forty-nine cents. To Joseph Long, of Prince William County, three dollars and seventy-five cents. To Miss Dollie Lynch, of Prince William County, eight dollars. To Charles L. Marshall, of Fairfax County, sixteen dollars and fifty cents. To Joseph Mayhugh, of Prince William County, nine dollars and seventv-five cents. To James J. McGahey, of Fairfax County, eighty-two dollars and ten cents. To Andrew Nelson, of Fairfax County, forty-one dollars and ninety- five cents. To Charles Parker, of Fairfax County, twenty-one dollars and seventy-tive cents. To C. B. Parker, of Fairfax County, nine dollars. To R. T. Payne, of Prince William County, twenty-tive dollars and forty cents. To Bell Phillips, of Fairfax County, ten dollars. To Miss C. Pullin, of Prince William County, seven dollars. To F. P. Rittenonr, of Fairfax County, sixty dollars. To Milton A. Rollins, of Prince William County, eighteen dollars To Alvin H. Rouse, of Prince William County, fifty-six dollars and seventy-five cents. To James Shirley, of Prince William County, nine dollars. To Joseph L. Speakes, of Prince Wihiam County, eighty-five dollars and sixty-five cents. To Henry E. Spittle, of Prince William County, twenty-tive dollars and ten cents.
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