FlFl`Y-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 777. 1905. 779 To John Sutfin, of Prince William Count , eleven dollars. Ti; C. F. Swetnam, of Fairfax County, thirty-eight dollars and five cen . To David Vlfilliams, of Fairfax County, one hundred and three dollars and fifty cents. _ To E. N. Woodyard, of Prince William County, seven dollars. To G. B. Wright, of Fairfax Count , six dollars. To Saint J ohn’s Lodge, Numbered Tllree, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of Newborn, North Carolina, five thousand dollars, being for uscnand occupation of their lodge building for three years during the env war. For giyment of amounts certified b the Court of Claims in House ocument Numbered One hundredy and forty-seven, third session Fifty-eighth Congress, as follows: To Lawrence H. Rousseau, of Pulaski County, Kentucky, late colonel Twelfth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, the sum of four hundred and thirty-five dollars and eighty-two cents. ~ To Carrie M. Boone, of Jefferson County, Kentucky, widow of John Rowan Boone, late colonel Twenty-eighth Regiment of Kentucky V¢§unteer Infantry, the sum of five hundred and twenty-eight dollars . an sixteen cents. To Oliver P. Anderson, of Floyd County, Indiana, late colonel Eighty-first Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, the sum of one' hundred and sevent —nine dollars and seventy-three cents. To Jacob Bedtely ou, of L{a.rpeer‘ County, Michigan, late captain Fourth Regiment Michigan olunteer Cavalry, the sum of twenty dollars and fifty-nine cents. To William B. Britton, of Rock County, Wisconsin, late colonel Eighth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, the sum of three. hundred and ninety-two dollars and ninety-two cents. ‘ To Alfred A. Garlock, of Ionia County, Michigan, late second lieutenant, Tenth Regiment Michigan Volunteer Cavalry, the sum of sixty- four dollars and eight —six cents. To Samuel E. Ililli, of Fayette County, Kentucky, late captain Twelfth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry, the sum of two hundred and ninety-two dollars and nineteen cents. To Maria Kerby, of Garrard County, Kentucky, widow of Williani M. Kerby, late captain Seventh Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Cavalx¥, the sum of seventysix dollars and fifty-three cents. o Elizabeth B. Waller, of Hardin County, Kentucky, widow of Thomas B. Waller, late colonel Twentieth Re iment Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry, the sum of fifty-four dollars and forty cents. To John H. Ward, of Jeiferson County, Kentucky, late colonel Twenty-seventh Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, the sum of two hundred and sixty-five dollars and forty-one cents. To John S. `White, of Lafa ette Count , Missouri, late colonel Sixteenth Regiment Kentucky Vlolunteer Inilantry, the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars and thirty-six cents. To Thomas (J. Sweeney, of Wheeling, llfest Virginia, ten thousand and fort dollars. To William B. Horner, of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. To the rector, warden, and vestrymen of Saint Philip’s Episcopal Church, of Atlanta, Georgia, three thousand seven hundred and sixty - dollars. To F rederiek S. Corbett and Henry C. Corbett, administrators of Sewell B. Corbett, deceased, of Alexandria County, Virginia, five thousand seven hundred and ninety-one dollars. To Elza W. Ha r, administrator of Thomas J. Whitman, deceased, of Hart lgounty, Kdntucky, three thousand four hundred and sixty- five dol rs.
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