780 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 777. 1905. To The lVashington Loan and Trust Company, administrator of Louisa Summers, deceasedl, late of Fgiyfax County, Virginia, one thousand eight hundred an sixty- our dollars. To`.} ennig E. Haller, administratrix of Samuel M. Haller, deceased, of Cumberland, Maryland, six hundred dollars. To S. S. Bradford, administrator of Maria Gibson, deceased, of Culpeper County, Virginia, three thousand two hundred and seventy-six 0 lars. To Carrie Yancey, administratrix of A. W. McCauley, deceased, of Benton County, Mississippi, four thousand five hundred and twenty- five dollars. To the heirs at law of Alice Hardaway, deceased, of Benton County, Mississippi, two thousand eight hundred and twenty-five dollars. chlggich spoliutiou FRENCH SPOLIATION CLAIMS. P¤Ym°¤°°*gP!I*};§*;§1¤ To pay the findings of the Court of Claims on the following claims °fi9$fir$si)i>.C¤is:i.for indemnity for spoliations by the French prior to July thirtieth, eighteen hundred and one, under the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the asoertainment of claims of American citizens for spo iations _ committed by the French prior to the thirty-first day of July, eighteen {QQ';"?,} Hu to be hundred and one:” Provided, That in all cases whlere the original suf- £*jI{¤¤°<>¤,,d ‘?*¥lK¤‘ ferers were adjudicated bankrupts the awards shall be made on behalf P Y` of the next of kin instead of to assignees in bankruptcy, and the awards in the cases of individual claimants shall not be paid until the Court of Claims shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury that the personal representatives on whose behalf the award is made represent the next of kin, and the courts which granted the administrations, respectively, shall have certified that the legal representatives have given adequate security for the legal disbursements of the awards, namely: Bl°°*’"°”“°'*” On the vessel sloop CYGNET, James Hunt, master, namely: John C. Hollister, administrator of Frederick Hunt, eight hundred g and thirteen dollars and fifty cents. John C. Hollister, administrator of John Hunt, eight hundred and thirteen dollars and fifty cents. hJohn Hollisteéngdministrator of Jesse Hunt, eight hundred and t irteen dollars an t cents. - Br1z"¤>¤i¤•~” On the vesselibrig LGUISA, Benjamin Wheeler, master. namely: h Cgarlles Street, admiéiistrator olf Richard Hubbell, junior. eight un re an t irty-seven dollars an ninety cents. Richard Hubbell, administrator of Richard Hubbell senior, cioht hiddth't dll d`t t i U um re an ir y-seven dollars an mnc y cen s. Fenelon Hubbell, administrator of Benjamin Wheeler, three thousand one hundred and forty-three dollars and thirty cents. Louisa A. Starkweather, administratrix of R. S. Hallett, two hundred and ninety-two dollars and fifty cents. \Valter Bowne. administrator of Walter Bowne, two hundred and ninety-two dollars and fifty cents. Leopold Mark, administrator of Louis Mark, four hundred and eigl)1ty—}seven dgljars andagfty gpm. B¤s"li¤rcury." n the vesse rig M CU George Lee master namely: Thomas S. Rhett and Henrietta,Troup, admilnistratois of the estate gflgenryggpup, deceased, one thousand five hundred and sixty-two o ars an ty-nine cents. ` \Villiam N. Marye, administrator of the estate of Richard Gittings, deceasedtione thousand five hundred and sixty-two dollars and fifty- nine cen s. mséelicggxeg ’Bet¤¤y On the vessel schooner BETSEY AND LUCY, Joseph Crown,masy` ter, namely:
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