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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/870

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI. C11. 777. 1905. 783 Williani A. Hayes, second administrator of Nathaniel A. Haven, deceased, three hundred dollars. George W. Haven, administrator of John Haven, deceased, three hundre dollars. Francis A. Jewett, administrator of James Prince, deceased, three hundred dollars. On the vessel schooner POLLY, John Allen, master, namely: S°h°°”°’ "l’°“Y·" Samuel D. Wyman, administrator of Rugless Cunnin ham, deceased, three thousand three hundred and sixt —six dollars and seventy cents. Atwood S. Foster, administrator of Wilham Cunnin ham, deceased, three thousand three hundred and sixt -six dollars ang seventy cents. Henry Ingalls, administrator of Wlilliam Melcher, deceased, one thousand two hundred and sixty-two dollars and fifty-one cents. Thomas J. York, administrator of Nathaniel Bryant, deceased, eight hundred and sevent —four dollars and nineteen cents. Frank Dabne , administrator of Samuel Wyllys Pomeroy, deceased, seven hundred dwollars. · Thomas N. Perkins, administrator of John C. Jones, deceased, eight hundred dollars. On the vessel schooner SUCCESS, Jonathan Glover, master, namely: s°"°°"°"'**“°°°"·" John P. Glover, administrator of the estate of Jonathan Glover, junior, four hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirt -two cents. James P. Salford, administrator of Ebenezer Salford; four hundred and sevengythree dollars and thirty-two cents. Henry Wight, administrator of Henry Reed, four hundred and seventy-three do larsand thirty-two cents. Shepard D. Gilbert, administrator of Clifford Crowninshield, three hundred dollars. , On the vessel ship ACTIVE, Samuel Whitehouse, master, namely: Ship "Acfive." Samuel F. Collin and Ida C. Lunt, administrators de bonis non of the estate of Samuel Coiiin, deceased, eleven thousand dollars. On the vessel schooner SALLY, Robert Atkins, master, namely: Schwmr James H. Varney, administrator of William Sproul, one thousand and ninet —eight dollars. James Parney, administrator of Michael Jones, one thousand and ninety-eight dollars. Arthur C. Child, administrator of John McKown, one thousand and ninety-eight dollars. Albion G. Huston, administrator of Henry Fossett, one thousand and ninet —eight dollars. James Ygoun , administrator of Alexander Young, one thousand ‘and ninety-eight dollars. On the vessel brig DISPATCH, Thomas Lunt, master, namely: BH: "1>¤v•¤=1¤·" James De Normandie, administrator de bonis non of Thomas Lunt, two thousand four hundred and thirty-five dollars. George W. Ham, administrator of the estate of William Ham, deceased, two thousand four hundred and thirty-five dollars. Frederick P. Jones, administrator de bonis non of Martin Parry, deceased, two thousand and seventy-five dollars. · On the vessel schooner RESOLUTION, John Crandon, master, m§;=1;9¤¤¤r "R¤••>¤¤- namel : ` Isaah Brewster, administrator of Daniel Jackson, surviving partner of the firm of Daniel and Charles Jackson, one thousand seven hunered and twenty-six dollars and twenty-seven cents. On the vessel schooner JOHN EASON, John Cowper, master, 5¢¤<>g¤¤r "J¤1¤¤ namel : ‘ v A. Warrington, administrator of John Cowper, one thousand one hundred and sixt —one dollars and eighty-five cents. Benjamin M. Llartshorne and Charles N. Black, executors of Richard Hartshome, one thousand dollars. .