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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/871

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784 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 777. 1905. Richard Delaiield, administrator of John Delatield, five hundred dollars. S***P"°l“¤°"·" On the vessel shi GLASGOW, M. Alcorn, master, namely: Horace E. Hayciian, administrator de bonis non of the estate of David H. Conyn ham, surviving partner of Conyngham, Nesbitt and Company, two fiousand nine hundred and sixty-seven dollars and twenty-eight cents. The city of Philadelphia, administrator de bonis non of Stephen Girard, two hundred and ninety-four dollars. C. D. Vasse, administrator of Ambrose Vasse, seven hundred and eighty-four dollars. _ VVillian1 D. Squires, administrator of Henry Pratt, Surviving partner of the firm of Pratt and Kintzing, seven hundred and eighty-four dollars. Craig D. Ritchie, administrator of Jose h Summer], surviving parltper of the firm of Summer] and Brown, Kaur hundred and ninety o rs. ’ Francis D. Pemberton, administrator of John Clifford, surviving partner of the firm of Thomas and John Cliflord, two hundred an . ninety-four dollars. “"’°P""""‘°‘"’·" Oni the vessel sloop FRIENDSHIP, Henry Brookins, master, name : Johd King, administrator of John Peterson, six hundred and fifty- eight dollars and forty-tive cents. David C. Percy, administrator of Charles Peterson, six hundred and fifty-eight dollars and forty-five cents. Jarvis Patten, administrator of Robert Patten, four hundred and seventy-six dollars and twenty-two cents. d Thomas N. Perkins, administrator of John C. Jones, five hundred o ars. d EVilliam S. Carter, administrator of William Smith, eight hundred o ars. d Frank Dabney, administrator of Samuel W. Pomeroy, five hundred o ars. d Lucy S. Cushing, administratrix of Jacob Sheafe, three hundred 0 ars. $°"°°"°""°*‘"·" On the vessel schooner JOHN, Edmund Lewis, master, namely: William L. Mauldin, administrator of John F. Kern, one thousand ` four hundred and seventy-four dollars. Abby A. Lewis, administratrix of Edmund Lewis, one thousand one hundred and sixty-six dollars. 8¤¤"P<>¤y-" On the vessel brig POLLY, Russell Doan, master, namely: Chauncey Buckley, administrator of Chauncey Buckley, one thousand five hundred and three dollars and twenty-five cents. Charles A. Jarvis, administrator of Russell Doan, one thousand five {_ M H hundred and three dollars and twent ·-tive cents. ”‘°°" “°*’°· On the vessel sloop HOPE, Ezra liierrill, master, namely: David Stewart, administrator of George Sears, three hundred and thirty dollars. Lemuel P. Townsend, administrator of Jacob Adams, three hundred and thirty dollars. Ferdinand C. Latrobe, receiver of the estate of Aquilla Brown, John Shgrlock, and George Grundy, five thousand eight hundred and eighty 0 ars. lm? “‘°°“’·" On the vessel brig POLLY, Elisha Caswell, master, namely: A. Lawrence Lowell, administrator of Nathaniel Fellowes, six hundred dollars.

 Walter Hunnewell, administrator of J ohn:`Welles, four hundred
