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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/873

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 777. 1905.

Crawford Dawes Hening, administrator of Abijah Dawes, two hundred and ninety-four dollars.

George W. Guthrie, administrator of Alexander Murray, surviving partner of Miller and Murray, three hundred and ninety-two dollars.

Lorin Blodgett, administrator of Samuel Blodgett, two hundred and ninety-four dollars.

Pilot boat "Zephyr"

On the pilot boat ZEPHYR, Edward Hansford, master, namely:

M. H. Messchert, administrator of Jacob Gerard Koch, two thousand four hundred and fifty dollars.

C. D. Vasse, administrator of Ambrose Vasse, nine hundred and eighty dollars.

William D. Squires, administrator of Henry Pratt, nine hundred and eighty dollars.

George Harrison Fisher, administrator of Jacob Ridgway, seven hundred and eighty-four dollars.

Francis A. Lewis, administrator of John Miller, junior, seven hundred and eighty-four dollars.

Robert W. Smith, administrator of Robert Smith, seven hundred and eighty-four dollars.

Sarah Leaming, administratrix of Thomas Murgatroyd, nine hundred and eighty dollars.

Francis A. Lewis, administrator of Peter Blight, nine hundred and eighty dollars.

J. Bayard Henry, administrator of Charles Ross, four hundred and ninety dollars.

J. Bayard Henry, administrator of John Simson, four hundred and ninety dollars.

Charles Prager, administrator of Mark Prager, three hundred and thirty-eight dollars and thirteen cents.

George Albert Smyth, administrator of Jacob Baker, three hundred and thirty-eight dollars and thirteen cents.

J. Bayard Henry, administrator of John Leamy, five hundred and eighty-eight dollars.

Schooner "William."

On the vessel schooner WILLIAM, Nathaniel Curtis, junior, master, namely:

Arthur T. Lyman, administrator of Theodore Lyman, one thousand dollars.

Chandler Robbins, administrator of Joseph Russell, survivor of Jeffrey and Russell, one thousand dollars.

Thomas H. Perkins, administrator of John C. Jones, one thousand dollars.

James C. Davis, administrator of Cornelius Durant, one thousand dollars.

Robert Grant, administrator of William H. Boardman, five hundred dollars.

Arthur D. Hill, administrator of Benjamin Homer, five hundred dollars.

Francis M. Boutwell, administrator of John McLean, five hundred dollars.

D. D. Slade, administrator of Daniel Dennison Rogers, five hundred dollars.

Schooner "Conrad."

On the vessel schooner CONRAD, John Osborn, master, namely:

David Stewart, administrator of Paul Bentalou, one thousand two hundred and forty-one dollars and seventeen cents.

Cumberland Dugan, administrator of Cumberland Dugan, nine hundred and forty-seven dollars and seventeen cents.

Nathaniel Morton, administrator of Nathaniel Morton, surviving partner of the firm of Bedford and Morton, nine hundred and forty-seven dollars and seventeen cents.