FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 777. 1905. 787 Elizabeth Montell, administratrix of Robert McKim, nine hundred md forty-seven dollars and seventeen cents. J. Savage Williams, administrator of Samuel Williams, four hundred and seventy-three dollars and fifty-nine cents. · Anthony Groverman, administrator of Anthony Groverman, surviving (partner of the firm of D. lVerhagen and Groverman, nine hundre and forty-seven dollars and seventeen cents. VV. Hall Harris, administrator of William Patterson, nine hundred md forty•seven dollars and seventeen cents. David Stewart, administrator of E. C. Boislandry, seven hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty-eight cents. ‘ William H. Burne, administrator of Frederick H. Burne, surviving partner of the firm of Anspach and Burne, successors of the firm of on Kopif and Anspach, four hundred and seventy-three dollars and lift —nine cents. Houisa T. Carroll, administratrix of lVilliam Van Wyck, one thousand two hundred and forty-one dollars and seventeen cents. Charles J. Bonaparte, administrator of Benjamin Williams, nine hundred and forty-seven dollars and seventeen cents. Mary Jane and James Thurston, administrators of John Hollins, nine hundred and forty-seven dollars and seventeen cents. David Stewart, administrator of James Clarke, one thousand four hundred and seventy dollars. Robert Shriver, administrator of Isaac Causten, assignee of John Hillen seven hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fift -eight cents. r Anthon Groverman, administrator of Joseph Cahnan, surviving partner og, J oseph Calman and Company, nine hundred and forty-seven dollars and seventeen cents. Robert Shriver, administrator of Isaac Causten, seven hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty-eiggit cents. Onlthe vessel schooner THR E JOSEPHS, William West, master, ,0§_f,§,fS*}9°’ "'”’°° name *2 Maduel E. Griiiith and Russell Thayer, administrators of Robert E. Griffith, surviving partner of the lirm of Philip Nicklin and Company, four hundred and ninety-four dollars and seventy tents. M. H. Messchert, administrator of Jacob Gerard Koch, one thousand one hundred and thirteen dollars and ten cents. Crawford Dawes Hennin , administrator of Abifah Dawes, four hundred and ninety-four dogars and seventy cents. Louis C. Vanuxem, administrator of James Vanuxem, four hundred and twelve dollars and twenty -five cents. . Francis A. Lewis, administrator of Peter Blight, fou; hundred and twelve dollars and twenty-tive cents. J. Bayard Henry, administrator of Charles Ross and J ohn Simpson, composing the firm of Ross and Simpson, four hundred and twelve dollars and twenty-tive cents. Sarah A. Leaming, administratrix of Thomas Murgatroyd, six hundred and fifty-nine dollars and sixty cents. _. D. Fitzhu h Savage, administrator of John Savage, six hundred and fifty-nine dollars and sixty cents. — The city of Philadelphia, administrator of Stephen Girard. four hundred and ninety-four ollars and seventy cents. On the vessel brig BETSEY, John Choate, master, namely: 1mg··neaey.·· Robert Codman, administrator of William Gray, one thousand dollars. ‘ William S. Carter, administrator of William Smith, five hundred dollars. lVilliam Ropes Trask, administrator of Thomas Amory, five hundred dollars.
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