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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/88

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Setting apart Logan Forest Reserve, Utah. May 29, 1903 2307
Setting apart Manti Forest Reserve, Utah. May 29, 1903 2308
Consolidating Flathead with Lewis and Clarke Forest Reserve, Montana. June 9, 1903 2311
Reserving lands in Porto Rico for naval purposes. June 26, 1903 2314
Reserving lands in Porto Rico for public uses. June 30, 1903 2315
Restoring to public domain lands in Day County, Oklahoma. August 12, 1903 2317
Setting apart Pocatello Forest Reserve, Idaho. September 5, 1903 2318
Convening extraordinary session of Congress. October 20, 1903 2319
Setting apart Aquarius Forest Reserve, Utah. October 24, 1903 2320
Designating Thursday, November 26, 1903, as a day of general thanksgiving. October 31, 1903 2322
Enlarging boundaries of Payson Forest Reserve, Utah. November 5, 1903 2322
Extending benefits of copyright law to citizens of Cuba. November 17, 1903 2324
Setting apart Highwood Forest Reserve, Montana. December 12, 1903 2325
Merging Pine Mountain and Zaca Lake and Santa Ynez forest reserves into Santa Barbara Forest Reserve, California. December 22, 1903 2327
Taking Hawaii light-house establishment for uses of United States. December 28, 1903 2329
Granting Fort Marcy Reservation lands to Santa Fe, New Mexico. January 5, 1904 2330
Setting apart Baker City Forest Reserve, Oregon. February 5, 1904 2331
Declaration of neutrality, war between Japan and Russia. February 11, 1904 2332
Setting apart Cave Hills Forest Reserve, South Dakota. March 5, 1904 2335
Setting apart Slim Buttes Forest Reserve, South Dakota. March 5, 1904 2337
Granting Fort Marcy Reservation lands to Santa Fe, New Mexico. March 10, 1904 2339
Granting land to Lawton, Oklahoma. March 29, 1904 2340
Restoring to public domain St. John's Mission School land, South Dakota. March 20, 1904 2340
Enlarging boundaries of Fish Lake Forest Reserve, Utah. May 2, 1904 2341
Reserving lands for townsite entries, Hailey land district, Idaho. May 2, 1904 2343
Reducing area of Yellowstone Forest Reserve, Wyoming and Montana. May 4, 1904 2344
Setting apart Grantsville Forest Reserve, Utah. May 7, 1904 2352
Opening to entry lands ceded on Rosebud Indian Reservation, South Dakota. May 13, 1904 2354
Reducing area of Battlement Mesa Forest Reserve, Colorado. May 16, 1904 2359
Reducing area of White River Forest Reserve, Colorado. May 21, 1904 2361
Setting apart Salt Lake Forest Reserves, Utah. May 26, 1904 2364
Opening to entry lands ceded on Devils Lake Indian Reservation, North Dakota. June 2, 1904 2368
Reducing area of Bitter Root Forest Reserve, Idaho and Montana. June 14, 1904 2373
Granting land to Woodward, Oklahoma. October 13, 1904 2374
Designating Thursday, November 24, 1904, as a day of general thanksgiving. November 1, 1904 2374
Setting apart Warner Mountain Forest Reserve, California. November 29, 1904 2375
Setting apart Modoc Forest Reserve, California. November 29, 1904 2380
Reducing area of South Platte Forest Reserve, Colorado. December 6,1904 2382
Modifying boundaries of Big Horn Forest Reserve, Wyoming. December 23, 1904 2384
Convening extra session of the Senate. February 23, 1905 2388
