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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/887

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800 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 777. 1905. David G. Haskins. administrator of David Greene, one thousand dollars. A. Lawrence Lowell, administrator of Nathaniel Fellowes, one thousand dollars. S<=¤<>¤¤¤"¤¤¤¤·1-’ On the vessel schooner HAZARD, Joseph Campbell, master, namely: Edward N. Dingle , administrator de bonis non cum testamento annexo of William Niickels, deceased, one thousand six hundred and sixty dollars and twenty cents. William O. McCobb, administrator de bonis non cum testamento annexo of Joseph Campbell, deceased, one hundred and eighty-nine dollars and twenty cents. David Chamberlain, administrator of the estate of Samuel Miller, deceased, one thousand six hundred and sixty dollars and twenty cents. David Chamberlain, administrator of the estate of Thomas Miller, deceased, one thousand six hundred and sixty dollars and twenty cents. George B. Sa er, administrator de bonis non of the estate of John Nickels, deoeasgdi; one thousand six hundred and sixty dollars and · twenty cents. ‘ · BMP " On the vessel ship BETSEY, Josiah Obear, master, namely: ` Charles Francis Adams junior, administrator of Peter Chardon Brooks, five thousand five hundred dollars. _ Henry W. Blagge and Susan B. Samuels, administrators of Crowell Hatch, one thousand dollars. - MM- Provided, kmpever, That any French spoliation claim appropriated .¤ ein°¤l1¤i£ for in this Act shall not be paid if held by assignment or owned by any

  • °§cQ‘§,‘}(,,,_ insurance com ny. But t is shall not apply to any claim of a class

V L 26 8g_ heretofore paidxixnder the Act approved March third, eighteen hundred ° ’p' " and ninety-one, entitled "An Act making appropriations to supply deticiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, V1 32, 21_ eighteen hundred) and ninety-one, and for prior iyears, and for othe1· °' P` " purposes," and id under the Act approved IV ay twenty-seventh, nineteen hundreduiind two, entitled "An Act for the allowance of cervol zz 485 tain claims for stores and supplies reported by the Court of Claims ` 'p`under the provisions of the Act approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, and commonly known as the Bowman Act, and for other purposes.” . Mis:-ellaneouscases. MISCELLANEOUS CASES. Fon omzcr APPROPRIATION. ·'=‘**‘***"`· Ad¤¤¤S· To Jewett W. Adams, superintendent of the United States mint at Carson City, Nevada, the sum of three hundred and one dollars, to reimburse him for money paid out by him during the months of July and Atggust, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, to T. R. Hofer and L. L. lrod, for necessary services rendered by them in the mint at Carson City. Nevada. ’ “°"” Mh- “To Henry Bash, the sum of one thousand two hundred and sixty dollars, being the amount due him for office rent and ex uses incurred by him while United States shipping commissioner at Bdrt Townsend, l ashington, from July iirst, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, to October first, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, being sixty-three _ months. at twenty dollars per month. EégJ*¤>rg;}€uutn_ To the legal representatives of A. G. Boone, of Laveta, Colorado, umu:. the sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars, in full satisfaction for his services and expenses as United States commissioner in negotiating the Indian treaty concluded February eighteenth, eighteen mmm W B huipdred an?} sigtyéone. d f h I ‘ B, m,;H$gg· o [-‘rise·,i a . urns, wi ow 0 the ate General William W. Burns, M rm W deceased, the sum of five thousand dollars, in full payment of the bal-