F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Srass. H1. Ch. 777. 1905. 801 ance due him for royalty on three thousand one hundred and ninety- five tents used by the United States Government. ' To the Chesapeake Bank, of Baltimore, Maryland, two thousand <>¤¤¤·¤r·¤¤k¤ Mukthree hundred and ninety-six dollars and twenty-eight cents, the amount found to be due the said bank by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, under the act of Congress approved February twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and one (thirty-first Statutes, page seventeen hundred and fifty), for internal-revenue taxes illegally collected. ‘ To Henry T. Clarke, the sum of two thousand eight hundred and HWY T- 0*****- eighty dollars, for the rent of buildings on the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section two, township thirteen, range thirteen, Sarpy Countv, Nebraska, from Febr·uary nrnth, eighteen hundred and ninety, to March twelfth, nineteen hundred and four, being for the use of buildings on said land acquired b the United States by condemnation proceedings in the suit against Remy Zurcher in accordance with a proposition made by Henry T. Clarke to the Secretary of War July twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, which said . p)roposition was for the sale of lands to the Tlnited States in Fort maha, now Fort Crook, by which pro sition all said buildings were retained by Henry T. Clarke: Promdedl)0 That the sum of two thousand Q,'{_E‘§,,,,n M, egght hundred and eighty dollars shall be accepted and received by ` enry T. Clarke in fu l yment of all claims and demands on account of the rental of said buildin . _ To Captain Archibald W.Butt, quartermaster, United States Arm , *’°*“"“‘* W- B““~ the sum of four hundred and eighty dollars, amounts stolen from tde United States in Manila, Philippine Islands, b an employee of the quarter·master’s department, by name José B. Uuciano, the said Captéain Archibald W. Butt having fully paid said sum to the United tates. To the legal representatives of George W. Curtis, deceased, late of *,j•;<>¤5¤ Wg0g0g2S-W Arizona Territory, for the benefit of said estate, the sum of two nvesix. P D thousand two hundred and eighty-eight dollars and ninety-one cents, being the amount due said Curtis for services rendered the United States in carrying out, as bondsman, the army transportation contract of Isaac S. Randol, defaulting contractor, in contract numbered sixty- one thousand two hundred and twenty, for the iiscal year ending July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-two. _ To Leonard L. Deitrick, late tirst lieutenant, Thirty-fourth Infan- L°°“"’°L‘°°’"‘°*‘ - try, United States Volunteers, the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars, said sum having been United States funds stolen from his safe at Penaranda, Nueva Lcija, Philippine Islands, at some time between December third, nineteen hundred, and December twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred, while he was acting commissary officer; and which sum the said Leonard L. Deitrick accounted for and paid to the proper officer of the United States from his own pyivate funds. To Merril Denham, of Madison County, entucky, the sum of sixty- “°“'“ ”°“"'““· eight dollars, for seventeen days’ service as storekeeper in the Internal- Revenue Service, beginning January twenty-iirst, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine. under orderof the collector of interna revenue of the eighth district of Kentucky. l`o the estate of James B. Eads, the sum of nineteen thousand six {.*},'f?,‘{,‘e{,};E{},"‘(;S,,,E hundred and fifty-seven dollars and fifty-four cents, in full payment of <>f· ' the balance of interest due to said estate from the United States. _ To the Eastern Railroad Company of Massachusetts. the sum of fit- m‘,,’§,§’},{°“"’ '"‘°* "" teen thousand seven hundr·ed and fourteen dollars and thirty-five cents, c0E¤St¤¤3 R¤i1r·¤¤<1 and to the Boston and Maine Railroad, the sum of twelve thousand rii£diir)`¤¤a mm two hundred and forty-six dollars and fourteen cents, which amounts R‘““°'*d· the Commissioner of Internal Revenue has found and reported, under Senate resolution of Apr·il twenty-second, nineteen hundred and four, to have been collected illegally from said companies as duplicate taxes vor. xxxrrr. rr 1-51
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