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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/900

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FI FTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cns. 779, 796. 1905. 813 CHAP. 779.-An Act For the relief of certain homestead settlers in the State of F¤b¤'¤¤'!' 2} 1905- ` Alabama. » lS· 601*] Public, No. 101. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRepresentattvea of the United [ 1 States of America in Ormgreas assembled., That where any homestead ·,‘:,{:_§§,'Qg mowed entry heretofore allowed under rulin of the Land Department, for for canceled homelands within the limits of the rant made by Act of Congress approved °,Y,°Q°$11§’L`.§`:°° °" mu` June third, eighteen 'hundred and fifty-six (Eleventh Statutes, e v¤1.11.p.18. eighteen), to the State of Alabama in aid of the construction ome railroad known as the Mobile and Girard Railroad has been canceled because of a superior claim to the land through purchase from the railroad company, which claim has been held to have been confirmed and a confirmatory patent issued for the land under the rovisions of section four of the Act of March third, eighteen hundredp and eight —seven (Twenty-fourth Statutes, (pa e five hundred and fifty-six), suclihome- V<>1·24.1»556- steader is hereby accorde tie privilege of transferring his claim thus · initiated under the homestead laws to any other nonmmeral unappropriated public land sub`ect to homestead entry, with full credit for the period of residence and] for the improvements made upon his homestead hereinbefore first described prior to the order of its cancellation, provided he has not forfeited or voluntarily abandoned his homestead claim and that his application for transfer is resented within one year from the date of the passage of this Act. Should he elect, however, ¤¤¤¤¤ 0* to retain the tract embrabed in his homestead entry heretofore can- mm °' celed, the holder of the patented title through the railroad grant shall thereupon be invited to relinquish or reconvey the land mcluded in such former homestead entry, and upon filing such relinquishment or reeonveyance such holder of the patented title shall be entitled to select and receive patent for an equal uantity of nontimbered, nonmineral, and unappropriated public lands sub]ect to homestead entry, and upon the filing of such relinquishment or reconveyance all right, title, and interest under and through the railroad grant and the confirmatory tent hereinbefore referred to shall revert to the United States, andxthe tract thus relin uished or reconveyed shall be treated and disposed of as other publicqlands of the United States: Profvided, Qgggtement 0, however, That such previous homesteader shall be reinstated in his homesreuder. rights and permitted to complete title to the land previously entered, as though no cancellation of his homestead entry had been made. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe rules aud ““*°'• °°°· regulations for the administration of this Act. Approved, February 24, 1905. CHAP. 796.-—An Act To authorize the promotion of First Lieutenant Thomas l"°b¤*¤¤' W- 1*** Mason, Revenue-Cutter Service. __ [Pu c, No. 102.] Be it enacted by the Senate amt House of]? esentatiees aft/ce United States of America in Congress assembled, €T’hat the President of the }.`f‘§,§,}‘,§‘§‘,,?,{”§*,§’“,,e,,_ United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to advance Lieutenant gilsizggwrawiceaw Thomas Mason, Revenue-Cutter Service, one grade, from iirst lieu- ° ' tenant to that of captain, on the “Permanent waiting orders ” list in the Revenue—Cutte1‘ Service, for meritorious acts while in the service of the Navy and of the Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States: _ Pmvz`ded, however, That no increase in pay or allowance is to be made f,’;‘;"§{’;,_ by the advance in grade hereby authorized. Approved, February 25, 1905.