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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/901

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8].4 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS; Sess. III. CHS. 797-799.1905. Fepxlw CHAP. 7 97.-An Act Relating to a dam across Rainy River.

 Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRqm·esentatv}ve.s 0 f the Matted

. Statesofzirrtertca in Congress assembled, That the Rainy River Improvexxi Rlihiziéruiiiiii ment Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of §°;f,QQ§;§ €j’“}];§g Minnesota for the improvement of the navigation of Rainy River and vffmner ¤<>¤¤1>•¤v- Rainy Lake, and its successors and assigns, upon filing with the Secretary of War proof satisfactokv to him of its succession to the rights and privileges granted to the oochiching Company by the following vo1.m.p.¢M. Acts of Congress, namely: Chapter two hundred and thirty-eight of volume thirty of the Statutes at Large, "An Act permitting the building of a dam across Rainy Lake River," approve May fourth, eighteen V¤1-31. p-161 hundred and ninety-eight; chapter threelhundred and forty-six of volume thirty-one of the Statutes at Large, "An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act permitting the building of a dam across Rain Lake v°1‘ $2* *" *85* River,"’ approved May fourth, nineteen hundred; chapter thirteen hundred and) five, volume thirty-two, of the Statutes at Large, "An Act relating to the construction of a dam across.Rainy River," approved June twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and two, shall have the right, subject to tds restrictions, conditions, and terms of said several Acts, to . construct and maintain the dam provided for therein, at such height as Q2",, ,,,_,,,,,,.,,c_ the.Secretary of War may approve: Provided, That such dam shall be mm. · completed on or before July hrst, nineteen hundred and eight. P"' °* "“°°“"*°“· Sec. 2. That u n filing the proof of its succession to the rights of the Koochiching Cdmpany, and the approval thereof by the Secretary of the War, that officer shall issue to the Rainy River Improvement Company a certificate of such approval.

  • “"°“d"""‘*· Sec. 3. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby

expressly reserved. Approved, February 25, 1905. F°{’§}‘}{? CHAP. 798.-An Act Relatinglto the construction of a dam and reservoir on the -—-—;?- Rio Grande, in New Mexico, for the impounding of the iiowd waters of said river for l*'“”"°· N°· wt] purposes of irrigation. K {_ d N M Be it enacted by t/ee Senate and House of Bqn·e.sentat1}ves of the Matted p§"{,§”Z'{c_?',.;¤,%:Z States of America in Congress dssezztbled, That the provisions of th.: {fg;} Hg{f'*°' ’°°'**’”*‘ reclamation Act approved June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and vox. sz, p. ass. two, shall be extended for the purposes of this Act to the portion of 1mm0n the State of Texas bordering upon the Rio Grande which can be irri- ° gated from a dam to be constructed near Engle, in the Territory of [ew Mexico, on the Rio Grande, to store the Hood waters of that river, and if there shall be ascertained to be sufficient land in New Mexico and in Texas which can be supplied with the stored water at a cost which shall render the project feasible and return to the reclamation fund the cost of the enterprise, then the Secretary of the Interior may proceed with the work of constructing a dam on the Rio Grande as part of the general system of irrigation, should all other conditions as regards feasibility be found satisfactory. Approved, February 25, 1905.

  • `°°*¤·*Y *-1**- cnn. vos.-Au Ace ro mum-iz m . · ·
 deputy collector of customs at )Ianteo,€Noii!ti?eC?ar:d>i1iriia.Of the Treasury to appomt a

Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the ni iigsptgclgiioimmrsm States of America in Congress assembled_ 'llhrat the Secrdctary (df iii; §{°@'°‘* *’ *‘*““°°· Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to appoint a m£rérs8é·gc.%w,p.m5. deputy collector of customs at Manteo, in the district of Albemarle, North Carolina, who shall be empowered to grant enrollments and