FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Cus. 1160, 1161. 1905. 817 been honorably discharged from the military service of the United States_on the first day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three; and said order shall be recognized by all officials of the United States as having the same force and effect relative to the persons named and describe therein as enlisted men of the Twentieth New York Volunteers that it would have had if it had been issued prior to June first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three and while said persons were still in the military service of the United States and subject to the orders of. the Secretary of War: Provided, That no pay, bounty, or other emol— PMv¢¤¤· tpnpnts sha] become due or payable by virtue of the passage of this N° P"' m' c Approved, February 27, 1905. CHAP. 1 161.——·An Act To authorize the construction of a bridge across Red River I February 27, mus. at or near Boyce, Louisiana. [H- B- 18*15-] li . . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of.Reg>resentatives of the United [Pub or No ml States of America in Congress assembled, That the Boyce Bridge Com- me river. pany, a corporation duly incorporated and existing under and by virtue p,£,‘§"§§,};"€§§g'f,f"§‘{ of the laws of the State of Louisiana, and domiciled at Boyce, Rapides B°Y°°· M- Parish, said State, be, and it is hereby, authorized to construct and maintain a 'tramc bridge and approaches thereto across the Red River, extending from such a point at or near the town of Boyce, in the Parish of Rapides, .to such a point in Grant Parish as may be selected by said bridge company and approved by the Secretary of War. Said bridge bg °¤ ¤¤d f¤¤* shal be constructed to provide for the passage of vehicles, foot passengers, stock, and such other lawful trailic as may be desired, at such egal rates of toll as may be fixed by said company and approved by the Secretary of War. Sec. 2. That said bridge built under this Act, and subject to its ,ulé°pf)'s{*;gu§;¤°¤¤¤ limitations, shall be a lawful structure, and shall be recognized and ` known as a post route, upon which also no higher charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails, troops, and munitions of war of the United States than the rate aid for the transmission over the public highways leading to the said) bridge, and shall enjoy the rights and privileges of other post-roads in the United States; and equal privileges in the use of said bridge shall be granted to all dghglesrsph, enc., telegra h and telephone companies; and the United States shall have ' the right of way across said ridge and its approaches for postal—telegraph pu ses: Provided, That the bridge erein authorized to be gggmmm 1 constructerdoshall be so kept and managed by the said corporation pam. °°°` owning or operating it as to adord proppr ways and means for the . passe e through or under it of vesse , rges, or rafts at all times; both by day and by ni ht; and if said bridge be constructed as a draw- opening crew. bridge, the draw shalfbe opened pgomptly upon reasonable signal for the ssa e of boats; and upon w tever kind of bridge is bui t there ¤8¤¤· ewshallmbe displayed from sunset to sunrise, at the expense of said corporation, such lights and signals as the Light—House Board shall rescribe. P Sec. 3. That if said bridge, erected and maintained under the an- C¤¤¤8¤¤- thority of this Act, shall at any time substantially or materially obstruct the free navigation of said river, or shall, in the opinion of the Secretary of \Var, obstruct such navigation, he is hereby authorized to cause such change or alteration of said bridge to be made as will eil'ec— tually obviate such obstruction. and such alteration shall be made and all such obstructions be removed at the expense of the owners or opertors of said bridge, and in case of any litigation arising from the mrmamen. obstruction or alleged obstruction to the free navigation of said river, vox. xxxm, rr 1--52
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