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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/903

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816 FIFTYYEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 1159, 1160. 1905. February 27, 1905. CHAP. 1159.-An Act Confirming the title of the Saint Paul, Minneapolis and [S· nw] Manitoba Railway Company to certain lands in the State of Montana, and for other [Public, No. 108.] purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 f Rqvfresentatilves 0 f t/ae United ,,p*f,’}§Q*a£,§“l;,,f’,f§}‘,§‘b‘j, States ofzlmerica in Congress assembled, That the several selections R¤i1w¤>j0¤m1>¤¤y· of the south half of the southeast quarter of section five and north mseliiigliilsngf hiillli half of northeast quarter of section eight, township thirty-two north, ll',';',,;';,,,,,,,,,, range eleven east; lot six of section live, township thirty-two north, ` range sixteen east; the southeast quarter of northeast quarter of section five, township thirty-two north, range seventeen east; the northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section thirty-tive, township thirty-three north, range nineteen east; the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter and southeast quarter of southwest quarter of section thirty-two, township thirty-two north, range thirty-three east, Montana rincipal meridian, in the State of Montana, containing in all threelhundred and fifty-six and` eleven one-hundredths acres, made by the Saint_Paul, Minnea lis and Manitoba Railway Company in the United States land oiliiiiz at Helena, Montana, between the years eighteen hundred and ninety-three and eighteen hundred and ninety- v°’·"·’·3"°· nine, under the provisions of an Act of Congress entitled "An Act for the relief of settlers on certain lands in the States of North Dakota and South Dakota," approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, and the patents of the United States thereafter issued under said Act conveying said lands to said railway company be, and the saéne are hereby, ratified and confirmed, and the said lands granted to said railway com ny. ’ m§f}°!f£gf1*,aggS (fj; Sec. 2. That the pgecretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, umm. authorized and empowered to approve the selection of one hundred and twenty acres of unsurveyed land situated in township thirty-two north, range fourteen east, Montana principal meridian, made by the Y said The Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Company, l "1‘ 2.* *’· 39* under the Act of Con ress aforesaid, on the twenty-sixth day of March, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, in the United States land office at Helena, Montana, whenever said land shall have been duly surveyed, P""°“‘“· and to thereafter patent and convey said land to said railway company, Y notwithstanding the limitations contained in section three of an Act of "L "’· "· 1* Congress entitled "An Act to ratify and confirm an agreement with the Gros Ventre, Piegan, Blood, Blackfeet, and River Crow Indians in Montana, and for other purposes," a proved May first, eighteen hunggjgfggiion V dred and eighty-eight: }’rm·2'ded, Tliat said land was in all other `respects subpzct to selection by said railway company under said Act of eighteen undred and ninety-two, and the said railway company has complied and shall hereafter comply with the requirements of said Act of eighteen hundred and ninety-two. Approved, February 27, 1905. Y`*’*i*;‘{mI*%Y1f,7;;0l]906· 11§0.—An Act For the relief of certain enlisted men of the Twentieth Tgmgvqw Regiment of New York X olunteer Infantry. I . Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRe wesen tatives 0 the United y§§;?$$ihii€1€i?t;2i States af America in Cbngress assembled, Thixt the men whose honor- Mu,;},;,. ,9,,0,,, Of able muster out of the service of the United States as enlisted men of gg¤r;#;;¤;€g¤1M¢d ¤¤¤¤ the Twentieth Regiment of New York Volunteer Infantry, to date ' from the nrst day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, was directed by the Secretary of llvar in a special order issued through the Oiiice of the Adjutant—General of the Army, said order being numbered one hundred and fifty-two, and bearing date of the fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, shall be held and considered to have