FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cas. 1295-1299. 1905. 821 be_ in the middle of the main channel of the Missouri River as now existing, and the compact between said States establishing said bound- _ ary line is hereby approved. Approved, March 1, 1905. CHAP. 1296.-An Act To provide an American register for the steamer Brooklyn. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of]? esentatives of the United [mus, ue. 111.1 States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioner of ,,,,,00,,, ,, Navigation is hereby authorized and directed to cause the foreign-built emmyunmum steamer Brooklyn, wrecked in Cuban waters and urchased b a citizen '°‘i'°°" of the United States, and now under repair in a drip ard in the United States, to be registered as a vessel of the United States whenever it R°'“"°“°“· shall be shown to the Commissioner of Navigation that the re irs made ufponsaid vessel have amounted to three times the purgiase price o said vessel. Approved, March 1, 1905. . .— March 1, 1 Pi 1297 An Act To provide an American register for the steam hghter [H- R. 119205- [Putin, No. ns.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, mt the Commissioner of QQ*g§e$$'·;mBm¤ Navigation be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause the wwipreggpgiuilt steam lighter Pioneer to be registered as a vessel of the ni tates. Approved, March 1, 1905. " HAP. 298.-An A l'zin a rtain in ce of h ’ of l ¥¤1'¢h1» 1905- Ingim Ten1it0ry. ct Lega 1 g ce ord an the city Purce I, IPETURI IMG`] c, No. 119.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States q f America in. Con: ness asseznbled, That ordinance numbered one §;°°,§L;,{‘g,'{;,§_; M_ hundred and twenty of the city of Purcell, Indian Territory, the same ¤¤¤d¢ v¤¤<1· being an ordinance roviding for the assessment, e ualization, levy, _ and collection annually of a tax upon all property s1(ib`cct to taxation ‘ within the corporate limits of the city of Purce l, Indian Territory passed and approved on the sixth day of July nineteen hundred and three by the council of the said city of Purcell, Indian Territory, be, and the same is hereby, legalized and made valid: Provided, That this {,’{g*A•g,0u Act shall not be construed so as to affect any litigation now pleading ` or arisiu out of any illegality in said ordinance prior to the date hereof: End provided farther, That nothing herein contained shall “f‘y°“_§f’f,§’_§f_usP',*}g apply to the nontaxable property of Indians. srtecred. Approved, March 1, 1905. CHAP. 1299.-An Act To amend section four of an Act entitled "An Act Mg°g1L19°5· relating to the Metropolitan police of the District of Columbia," approved February twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and one. [Y¤1>1i¤· N0. 120-] Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRej}2·esentat1?ves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section four of ‘5An lgigjggfigguqygg- Act relatin to the Metropolitan police of the District of Columbia," vox. 31, p?°a·m§ a proved Eibruary twenty-eight , nineteen hundred and one, be, and ““"’“d°d‘ the same is hereby, amended so that it shall read as follows: " S1·:c. 4. That hereafter the Commissioners of the District of Colum- m*f,°‘§§jg Qgggiwigg bia are hereby authorized and directed to deposit with the Treasurer ceipes uvmanie sqlof the United States, out of receipts from fines in the police court and }’§,Y§f" ““° °'°“‘°“ ’
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