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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/909

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822 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cas. 1299, 1300, 1302. 1905. receipts from dog licenses. a sufficient amount to meet any deficiency Qggjggént mW_ in the policemen’s fund or ’dremen’s fund: Provzded, That the chief ance. •=¢c..ot bmw. engineer of the tire department and all other officers of said department of and above the rank of captain, the superintendent, · _ assistant superintendent, any captain or lieutenant of police, in case e,,IQ°,',§§{’,$‘,f‘{_,§‘Y"°“"‘ of retirement as now provided by law, shall receive relief not exceeding one hundred dollars per month; and in case of the death from injury or disease of any member of the police or tire department, if he be unmarried and leave a dependent mother, who is a widow, the same shall be for her relief during the period of widowhood, or if he leave a widow, or children under sixteen years of age, _ the same shall be for their relief during the period of widowhood, o1· ,,,lg§""‘“"‘ ‘“°"' until such children reach the age of sixteen years: Hovided, That in no case shall the amount paid to such dependent mother, or widow exceed fifty dollars (per month, nor shall the amount paid for a child exceed twenty-five ollars per month. _ Approved, March 1, 1905. m}% CHAP. 1800.jAn Act Tp make Gloucester, Massachusetts, a port to which mer-

, chandise may be imported without appraisement.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United gfgggljér um States of America in Congress assemble , That the privileges of section granted nhmsumé seven of the Act approved June tenth, eighteen hundred and eight *, {"""?’°’°““°“‘ P""" governing the immediate transportation of dutiable merchandise with- %·21·P· 174- out appraisement, be, and the same are hereby, extended to the port of Gloucester, Massachusetts. Approved, March 1., 1905. Muck $1905- CHAP. 1302.-Au Act For the relief of certain receivers of public moneys, acting

 as special disbursing agents, in the matter of amounts expended by them for per

[Pubns, No. 12] diem fees and mileage of witnesses in hearings, which amounts have not been cred.- ited bytsthe accounting omcers of the Treasury Department in the settlement of their accoun . Be étenacted by the Senateand Hauseqf R esentatives of the United §§}‘,Ef,}f“,,,'é'*c,,,l,,,,,_ States of America in Congress assembled mt the Secretary of the ¤¤¤i¤s ¤e¤¤¤¤- Treasury be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay, out of Ve!-32.r>·573· any unexpended balances of the appropriations made by the sundry AM- pv- 83-483- civil Act of March third, nineteen hundred and three, the deficiency Act of February eighteenth nineteen hundred and four, and the sundry civil Act of Apr1ltwenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and four, for expenses of hearings in land entries and for contingent expenses of land offices, to certain receivers of public moneys acting as special disbursing agents, such amounts as they may have expended for per diem fees and mileage of witnesses during the period beginning July first, nineteen hun red and three, and endin September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, in the conduct of gearings ordered by the Commissioner of the General Land Office as have not been credited by the accounting officers of the Treasury Department in the settlement of the accounts of said piecial disbursing a ents and as may have been heretofore or may be ereafter approved Ty the Commissioner of the General Land Office. Approved, March 2, 1905.