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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/911

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824 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Ill. Ch. 1305. 1905. lggcgl CHL?. 1305.-An Act To divide Washington into two judicial districts. [Public- Ne 12-5-] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of ltqwesentatices of the United Unitedstatescourts. States ¥fAmer£ea in Congress assembled, That all that portion of the ·u]§§§,’j{{‘,§S,”,’fc§’;§‘,§2 State o Washington which includes the counties of Stevens, Ferry, li¤¤¤d· Okanogan, Chelan, Spokane, Lincoln, Douglas, Adams, F ranklrn, auldiaeaii p` m' Wallawalla, Garfield, Columbia, Asotin, Whitman, Yakima, Klickitat Kittitas, and any and all Indian reservations in one or more of said counties, and such other counties as may be created in that portion of the State of Washington lying east of the Cascade Mountains, with the waters thereof, is hereby detached from the judicial district of lVashington and made a separate judicial district, and shall be called "the eastern district of Washington," and the residue of said State of Washir;¥n,Hgith the waters thereof, shall hereafter be the western district o as rn n. d,·;g,‘?§,f *°" "°"°“‘ Sec. 2. Tlioat the district judge of the judicial district of Washinigton as heretofore constituted, and rn office at the time this Act takes e ect, shall be the district judge for the western 'udicial district of Washingc1°rk‘ ton as constituted by this Act. That the dlerk of the circuit court and the clerk of the district court in said judicial district of Washington as heretofore constituted, and in office at the time this Act takes e ect, shall be the clerks of the circuit and district courts of the western judicial district of Washington, respectively, as hereby constituted, until their successors, respectively, shall be appointed and qualiied.

    • “"”°Y·°°°- ·The district attorney, assistant district attorneys, marshal, deputy

marshals, deputy clerks, and referees in bankruptcy resident in said western judicial district of Washington as constitute by this Act shall continue in office and continue to be such officers in such western district until the expiration of their respective terms of office as heretofore fixed by law, or until their successors shall be duly appointed and qualified. ,¤$P,g<jgj_Y£;m dg Sec. 3. That the President of the United States, by and with the msi advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint a district jud e for the °““°“· eastern judicial district of Washington, whg shall possess and exercise all the powers conferred b existing law u n the judges of the district courts of the United States, and who $.1l, as to all business and proceedings arising in said eastern 'udicial district as hereby constituted or transferred thereto, succeed to and possess the same owers and perform the same duties within the said eastern judicial district as are now possessed by and performed by the district judge for the district of Washington. M¤¤¤¤L etc- Sec. 4. That the President of the United States, b and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint a marshal and district attorney for the said eastern judicial district of Washingtoni as hereby constituted, who shall, within their respective jurisdictions, possess and exercise all the powers conferred by existing law upon the marshals and district attorneys of the United States, respectively.

  • "°”*‘¤’°m°°”· Sec. 5. That all other officers residing within the eastern judicial

district of the State of Washington as hereby constituted shall cease to be such officers when their successors are appointed and qualified. "¤°¤¤°*°¤- Sec. 6. That the office of marshal and district attorney in each of said districts, deputy marshals and assistant district attorneys, and all other offices authorized by law and made necessary by the creation of said two districts and the provisions of this Act, and all vacancies created thereby in either of said districts as constituted by this Act, shall S“‘*'*°°·°°°· be filled in the manner provided by law. The salaries, y, fees, and allowances of the judges, district attorneys, marshals, andxdther officers in said districts, except clerks, until changed b law, shall be the same, respectively, as now `xed by law for such ofliieers in the judicial distrrct of Washington as heretofore constituted, and the clerks for said