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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/912

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1305. 1905. 825 districts shall receive the same fees and emoluments as are now prescribed by law for the clerks of the circuit and district courts of the _ northern district of California. Sec. 7. That all causes and proceedings of every name and nature, ,,.{,“,§,§‘Q§Ql°“°* °““*‘ except criminal now pending in the courts of the judicial district of Was in_gton as heretofore constituted, whereof the courts of the eastern judicial district of Washington as hereby constituted would have had jurisdiction if said district and the courts thereof had been constitute when said causes or proceedings were instituted, shall be, and are hereby transferred to and the same shall be proceeded with in the eastern (judicial district of Washington as hereby constituted, and to that en jurisdiction over the same is hereby vested in the courts of said eastern judicial district, and the records and proceedings therein and relating to said proceedings and causes shall be certified and trans- _ ferred thereto; and all causes and proceedings of every name and w°“°'“"““'*°“· nature, except criminal, now pending in the courts of the judicial district of Was ington as heretofore constituted, whereof the courts of the western judicial district of Washington as hereby constituted would _ have had jurisdiction if said district and the courts thereof had been constituted when said causes or proceedings were instituted, shall be, and are hereby, transferred to and the same shall be roceeded with in the western judicial district of Washington as hereby constituted, and jurisdiction over the same is hereb vested in the courts of said western judicial district, and the records and lproceedings therein and relating to said roceedin¥ and causes shal be certified and trans- _ ferred thereto: hat all motions and causes submitted, and {jg""' ,,,,,,8,,, mg all causes and proceedings, except criminal, including pgoceedings in ¤¤¤¤1gT¤i¤=¤¤¤1- bankruptcy, now pending in said judicial district of ashington as - heretofore constituted, in which the evidence has been taken in whole or in part before the present district judge of the judicial district of Washington as hereto ore constituted, or taken in whole or in part and submitted and passed u n by the said district judge, shall b`erpro— ceeded with and disposed ofxin said western judicial district of ashin ton as constituted by this Act. Sec. 8. That the regular terms of the circuit and district courts of m'£g¤¤¤¤· W¤¤*¤¤‘¤ 6** the United States for the western district of Washington shall be held ' at the following times and places, namely: At Seattle, beginning on §;,$*£lg¤¤d6};;¤¤¤¤· the first Tuesday in November and May of each year, and at the city'p` of Tacoma, beginning on the first Tuesday in February and July of each ear. Thslvt the regular terms of the circuit and district courts of the mggjgg °‘ °““°°"‘ United States for the eastern district of Washington shall be held at the following times and places, namely: At the city of Sppkane, begin- w§,l{;’k°;,f,· ning on the first Tuesday in September and April of eac year; at the Yami;. city of Walla Walla, beginning on the first Tuesday of December and June of each year· and at the city of North Yakima, beginning on the first Tuesday in lliay and October of each (year; and at such other "°‘·”·P·°”- times and laces as may hereafter be provide by law. Sec. 9. That the terms of said courts shall not be limited to any T<>¤¤¤ *10* iimmd particular number of days, nor shall it be necessary to adjourn by reason of the intervention of a term elsewhere; but the court intervening may be adjourned until the business of the court in session is concluded. _ Sec. 10. That the State of Washington shall continue as heretofore c,}’,,{g’}}u, c*;fMf"°*°¤* to constitute one judicial district, and the United States circuit court and the United States district court for said district are continued in existence with all the 'urisdiction and powersof each, respectively, for the purpose of holding and taking cognizance of criminal causes pending, or which may be hereafter commenced and prosecuted for