F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. · Sess. lII._ Ch. 1307. 1905. 827 CHAP. 1307.-An Act Makin ro' n h s Merch 2, 1905. the fiscal year ending June thirtie§h?hinei)¢;1ehuliund(@ atiidlhizgfnt of the Army for [H· R· 1747*] muse, No. 127. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRe]>w·esentat2Pves of the United [ _ 1. States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, néiiiin i °PP'°p"°' and they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the sup rt of the Army for the year _ ending June thirtiet , nineteen hundre<iX:ind six: Coivrmomxorns or mn Amir: For all contingent expenses of the °°¤¤¤¤°¤°**¤- Army not otherwise provided for, and embracin all branches of the militaxliy service, includin the office of the Chief of Staff, to be expen ed under the immediate orders of the Secretary of War, fifteen thousand dollars. Amir WAR Common: For expenses of the Army War College, A¤¤YW·¤‘°°“°8°- being for the tem£orary hire of office rooms, purchase of the necessary stationery, office, toilet, and desk furniture, text-books, books of reference, scientific and professional papers and periodicals, binding, maps, police utensils, and for all other absolutely necessary expenses, fifteen thousand dollars. ormom or mn cmnr or smrr. S,Q§°° "‘ °’“°* °‘ For contingent expenses of the military information division, Gen- °°“““¥°“‘· eral Staff Corps, including the purchase of law books, professional books of reference, professional and technical riodicals and newspers, and of the m1 itary attaches at the Unitedw States embassies and Qations abroad, and of the branch office of the military information division at Manila, to be exépended under the direction of the Secretary of War, ten thousand ollars: Provided, That section thirty-six {Q§‘{§‘,},°,;P,,,°d,,,,,_ hundred and forty~é¥ht, Revised Statutes, shall not apply to subscrip- R-S-YM-M. Mw tions for foreign an professional newspapers and periodicals to be paid for from this appropriation. Usrrsn Siwrrzs snizvicn sonoonsz To provide means for the theo- Smice =¤*¤<><>l¤ retical and practical instruction at the Artillery School, at Fort Mon- {gg g,!&¤;;g¤·,_}·’¤a roe, Virginia; the School of Submarine Defense, at Fort Totten, New rm Leuvehwbftll. York; the General Service and Staff College, at Fort Leavenworth, K§·‘,§$, m,,,y_K,,,,,_ Kansas, and the School of Application for Cavalry and Field Artillery, at Fort Riley, Kansas, by the lpurchase of text-books, books of reference, scientific and professions papers, the purchase of modern instruments and material for theoretical and practical instruction, and for all other absolutely necessary explenses, to be allotted in such pro- Etienne as may in the opinion of the Secretary of War, be for the t interest o the military service, twenty-five thousand dollars. rm: mrunnr SECBE’I‘ARY’S nnrmnmm. _ ,,§f,§{§,'{‘,,'§,,‘{f°°'“""" Cosrmomvcrns, nmmoosirrmzs or mmnnr nnnirrmmrrsz For ,§’,';§,§‘,f§§},§§,R°"“ contingent expenses at the headquarters of the several military divisions and departments, including the staff corps serving thereat, being for the purchase of the necessary articles of office, toilet, and des furniture, binding, maps, technical books of reference, professional and technical newspapers and periodicals, and police utensils, to be allotted by the Secretary of War, and to be expended in the discretion of the several military divisions and department commanders, seven thousand five hundred dollars. uunmz rum onmr or sirrrnmsnr. ,,£';$f" cm" °*#\'· Scnoor or Somunmvs DEFENSE, Four To·r·rm<, New Yonx: For “{jgg{=¤¤¤¤¤ d¤f¤¤S¤ incidental expenses of school and depot, including chemicals, station- rucménmexpesses. ery, hardware, extra-duty pay to soldiers necessarily employed for
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/914