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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/913

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826 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cus. 1305, 1306. 1905. criminal offenses against the laws of the United States, committed in any part of said State previous to the time when this~Act takes effect, and when necessary to obtain indictments, or for the trial of any such Jurors. case or cases, jurors, grand and petit, shall be selected, drawn, and summoned from the entire State, and such causes shall be commenced and prosecuted in the same manner as if this Act had never been assed. Rei><>¤r P Sec. 11. That all laws and parts of laws so far as inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. Effect- Sec. 12. That this Act shall take effect from and after its approval by the President. Approved, March 2, 1905. Mmh 2- 1*5- CHAP. 1306.-An Act To amend section twenty-eeven hundred and eighty-seven

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0, O. . Be it enacted by the Senate and Hm4se·qf'Rep¢·esentatéves of the United p B°‘j§,°g’§{;,w,,_ States8(qfAme¢~iea in Congress assembled That section twenty-seven R.s3s¤c.2787.1>-540. hundr and eighty-seven of the Revised Statutes of the Unite States "°°“ °d' be, and is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: ‘ mQ°é';*,¤;*:,QQ Q3§,Q;° “Sec. 2787. Whenever any entry is made with the collector of any ' district of merchandise imported into the United States subject to duty by any agent, factor, or person, other than the person to whom it belongs or to whom it is u timately consigned, the collector shall take a bond with surety from such agent, factor, or person in the penal sum of an amount equal to double the estimated duties, with condition that the actual owner or consignee of such merchandise shall deliver to the collector a full and correct account of the merchandise imported by him, or for him on his own account, or consigned to his care, in the same manner and form as required in respect to any entry previous m§,“:jg;“£,f °‘°°’°*‘ to the landing of merchandise; which account shall be veriiied by a like oath, as in the case of an entry, to be taken and subscribed before an judge of the United States, or the judge of any court of record of a State, or before any collector of the customs, or before any properly qualiiied notary whose seal shall be attested by the clerk of the county in which he is resident, or before any notary public designated by the Secretary of the Treasury. In case of the payment of the duties at the time of entry by any factor or a ent on the merchandise entered by him, the condition of the bond shall be to produce the account of the proper owner or consignee, verified in manner as before directed, within ninety days from the date of such bond. M“““‘“‘“ ”°“‘l· "The bond in no case shall be for less than one hundred dollars, and _ _ may not be required when the entered value of the merchandise does ,,,f;,§*,f’°°"“*‘°” °' not exceed one hundred dollars. In the event of failure to roduce the declaration of the owner or ultimate consignee within the time herein prescribed the bond may be cancelled, at the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, upon due roof that the factor or agent who entered the merchandise exercisedp proper diligence in the effort _to fulfill the requirements of this Act. " §f,‘,§'g’,j,’jpe,,,,b0¤d_ Pmmderl, That with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury any agent, factor, or common carrier engaged in the entr of merchandise at the port of first arrival may give a general nab bond at said rt for the production of the oaths of owners or ultimate consignees. Sgid bond shall be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury at an amount sufficient in his opinion to cover all obligations to the United States that may accrue, and the record and cancellation of liabilities under said general bond shall be in accordance with such rules as he may prescribe. Approved, March 2, 1905.