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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/927

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840 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1307. 1905. S¤"°Y°¤·°°°- For services of surveyors, draftsmen photographers, master labor- _ ers, and clerks to engineer officers on the staH of division, corps, and department commanders, twenty-five thousand dollars. Total for Engineer Department, two hundred thirty-one thousand Eve hundred dollars. mQ;§¤¤¤°° D°P°"‘ ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. C‘“’°”’°‘¥’°““°”· Onnnanon Snrzvronz Current expenses of the Ordnance Service l required to defray the current expenses at the arsenals, of receiving stores and issuing arms and other ordnance supplies; of police an office duties; of rents, tolls, fuel, light, water, and advertising; of stationery and office furniture; of tools and instruments for service; incidental expenses of the Ordnance Service and those attending practical trials and tests of ordnance, small arms, and other ordnance suplies, including urchase of publications for libraries for the Ordnance Department and) payment for mechanical labor in the office of the Chief of Ordnance, three hundred thousand dollars. ummm rn: Oanruncn, ormruncm moans, AND surrnmsz Manufacture or pur- """ m" chase of metallic ammunition and the materials therefor for small arms I for current needs and reserve supply, and ammunition for reloading cartridges, includin the cost of targets and material for targetgpractice, ammunition for Surials at the National Home for Disabled olunteer Soldiers and its several Branches, including National Soldiers’ Home .in Washington, District of Columbia, and at soldiers’ and sailors’ State homes, an for firing the morning and evening gun at military posts prescribed by General Orders, Numbered Seventy, Headquarters of the Arm , dated July twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and at Nhtional Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers and its several Branches, including National Soldiers’ Home in Washington, District of Columbia, and at soldiers’ and sailors’ State homes, including material for cartridges, bags, reworking obsolete powder, and similar items, and marksmen’s medals and insignia for all arms of the service, _ eng million two hunegred and fiftyé tlilousaritl dollars. h Fi¤¤¤ ¤¤¤}¤¤* f<>ror the ur se o procurin e -arti e material for the or n- l"" t° mmm ized militig oi)0 the several Stdtes, Territoiihs, and the Districgaof Columbia, without cost to the said States, Territories, or the District of Columbia, but to remain the property of the United States and to be accounted for in the manner now prescribed by law., the Secretary of War is hereby authorized, under such regulations as he may prescribe, on the requisitions of the governors of the several States and Territories or the commanding general of the militia of the District of Columbia, to issue said artillery material to the organized militia; and the sum of five hundred and sixteen thousand dollars is hereby appropriated and made immediately available for the procurement and issue of the articles constituting the same. xmurucmungxw., For manufacturing, repairing, procuring, and issuing arms at the "'"' national armories, one million seven hundred thousand dollars. ,°fg,‘{,‘;°ggg ’““"l°‘ For converting muzzle-loading held guns to breech-loading guns for saluting pu ses, and for necessary mounts for the same, sixteen th<1:_usand d . I d 0¤1¤•~¤¤¤¤¤>¤*¤ _ or over ’n c eanin , re 'rin , an reservin ordnance and ¤i£:§i;Z.'i°°’ Pm ordnance stores idlshe handgs of iiiiloopsgand atpthe arsedals, posts, and depots; for purchase and manufacture of ordnance stores to fill requisitrons of troops; and for infantry, cavalry, and artillery equi ments, including horse equipments for caval and artillery, one miliion two hundred and fifty-four thousand ninerhundred and twenty-two dollars. ¤¤1¤¤¤¤¤¤. ew- Her-eafter moneys arising from deductions made from carriers on account of the loss of or damage to military stores in transit shall be credited to theproper appropriation or funds out of which such or