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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/928

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F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1307, 1308. 1905. 841 similar stores shall be replaced and individual pieces of United States armament which are not needed on account of historical value, and can w§,“J:,‘g‘3Q°°'°’° *’*" be advantageously replaced, may be sold at a price not less than their ` cost price, when there exist for such sale sentimental reasons adequate 1n the judgment of the Secretary of War or Secretary of the Navy. Nnroiur. morn: no m·:r>ar.s ron rurmz cowrnsrs: That for the M¤g¤¤¤.¤¤<=··!¤r¤¤¤ purpose of furnishing a national trophy and medals and other prizes pm °°' to be provided and contested for annually, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War, said contest to be open to the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and the National Guard or organized militia of the several States, Territories, and of the District of Columbia, and for the cost of the trophy, prizes, and medals herein provided for, and for the promotion of riile practice, the S\1l11I of four thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise gppropriated, to be expended for the purposes hereinbefore prescrib under the direction of the Secretary of War. All funds received as the value of military stores transferred by the mf$gjmf,f<>g Piggy several staff departments of the Army to the Insular Department of the pines p` Philippines shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States and ' remam available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six for the procurement of like military stores to replace those so transferred. Approved, March 2, 1905. GBA!. 1808.+An Acvrccreete anew divisionufthewesternjudidddisu-ictot Louisisngandtopwvide fortermaofcourtatLake Charles,I.onisiana,and for [11-**-* ·l other purposes. _ [Pnb11c,No. 128.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repreaenmtwives of the United _ _ ‘ States ofzimerioa in. Congress assembled, That the parishes of Acadia, ,u{,'}’$1'}§,,§{f’“‘°'" Calcasieu,- Cameron, and Vernon shall constitute a division of the ,,33 di**¤*¤¤ ¤=¤l* western judicial district of Louisiana. v¤1.`a1,p,m. Sec. 2. That terms of the circuit and district courts of the United I_2§,"},‘,‘},,',?f€,Y°‘"* '“ States for the said western district of Louisiana shall be held on the third Mondays in May and December in each year at the city of Lake Charles, Louisiana. Sec. 3. That all civil rocess issued against (persons resident in the ,,§°‘“'“ °‘ *"°°°“· said rishes of Acadia, Ualcasieu, Cameron, an Vernon, and cognizable gfore the United States courts, shall be made returnable to the courts, respectivelv, to be held at the city of Lake Charles, and all prosecutions for oiienses committed in any of said plarishes shall be tried in the appropriate United States court at the city of Lake Charles: Prmnldgd, Bfhat no process issued or prosecution commenced {·.,'.,°'.§',,°‘ mm um;. or suit instituted before the passage of this ill shall be in any wzy *°°,,§g} mma affected b the provisions hereof: And provided further That l crimes and, misdemeanors which shall have been committed prior to the passage of this Act in the parishes hereby constituted a division of the western judicial district of Louisiana shall be commenced and tried in all respects as if this Act had not been passed. _ Sec. 4. That the clerks of the circuit and district courts of said dis- cfQ§{§,F°m°°“°“k° trict shall maintain an office in charge of themselves or deputy at the said city of hike Charles, which shall be kept open at al times for _ the transaction of the business of said division: Provided, lwwerer, P""""" That suitable rooms and accommodations are furnished for holding °°“‘"°°“" said courts free of expense to the Government of the United States. Approved, March 2, 1905.