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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/931

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844 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 1313, 1314. 1905. I·°•>¤¤°¤- Saint Joseph River near its mouth in said Berrien County, at or near the site of the brid e now known as Napier Bridge. _ _ *g’¢;¤*’{u‘g fg °° Sec. 2. That saidgbridgle shall be located and built under and subject pp v P` to such regulations for the security of navigation as the Secretary of War may prescribe; and to secure that object the said board of super- · visors shall submit for his examination designs and drawings of the bridge and maps of the location, and until the said plans and location CNM are approved by him the bridge shall not be commenced or built; and shouldp any changes be made in said bridge, before or after completion, such changes shall be likewise subject to the approval of the Secretary P°°°’°°*°· of War. That ·the bridge shall be known an recplgnized as a (post route, and shall enjoy the rights and privileges of o er post-roa of the United States, and no charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails, troops, and munitions of war of the United r,g,;;°¤’“P"· °*°·· States. Equal privileges in the use of said bridge shall be granted to ` all telggraphl an? telephone cognpanjes, arid the Uniteld Spates shall ave theng t o way across said ri ge an its approac es or posta , telcgra h, and tele hone nr es. ·_‘,{,;,';’,_"°*'°°*°" "*"‘· Sm. That thellsaid biiidgleoghall be so kept and managed as to offer _ . reasonable and roper means for the passage of vessels and other craft L*’*"·°“‘· through or undhr the same; and for the safety .of vessels passing at - night there shall be displayed on said bridge from sunset to sunrise, at the expense of the owners thereof, such lights or other signals as the Light—House Board may prescribe. And any changes in said bridge which the Secretary of War may at any time deem necessary and order in the interests of navigation shall be made by the owners ` thereof at their own expense. ` ,,}Qf“° °’ °°"““'°‘ S1:0. 4. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of the said brid e be not commenced in one year and completed in three years from the date hereof. "“"°“°’“°“" Sec. 5. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, March 2, 1905. ‘ fg? CHAP. 1814.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the board ...—*,. ohcommissioners for the_ Connecticut and highway district to construct a [P¤bh¤» N<>· mi bridge across the Connecticut River at H ord. in the State of Connecticut." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Reaentatifves of the United ‘:iiiiii2°°iiii°“i»lili¤fQi!i{; States of America in Cbngreea assembled, Tgt section one of an Act §§,,,,*,§{’,§{f°‘d· C°““·· entitle "An act to authorize the board of commissioners for the ConmL21h8g?- P- 836. necticutbridge and hjghway district to construct a bridge across the Connecticut 1ver at artford m the State of Connecticut," approved Februar; eighteenth, nineteen hundred and three, be amended so as to read as ollows: “The board of commissioners for the Connecticut River bridge and highway district, a body politic and corporate, created by the laws of the tate of Connecticut, be, and hereby is, authorized to construct and maintain a drawless bridge across the Connecticut hmm- River at Hartford, in the State of Connecticut, between the city of naw. Hartford and the town of East Hartford: Bwzded, That the owners of said bridge shall, at their own expense, glace a draw in the bridge whenever so ordered by the Secretary of ar, the said draw to be built at such location and to afford such clear openings as he may decide · to be necessary in the interest of navigation? Approved, March 2, 1905.