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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/932

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1402. 1905. 845 CHAP. 1402.-An Act Making appropriations for fortifications and other works Nmh 9- 1906- of defense, for the armament thereof, for the procurement of heavy ordnance for trial [H" R' "°°‘·] and service, and for other purposes. _ [public, N0_ 135,] Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0_fRepresentat:?ves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sums of money he rein Fcnwwuons ¤m>¤> provided for be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any ’"°°°”‘ money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be available `until expended, namely: ' mnrmcsmons AND o•rm¤1n wonxs or Dmnnusn. _ For modernizing older emplacements, four hundred and fifty thou- m¥°,Qge’$g=,g °l¤ . sand dollars. P ' For construction of fire control stations and accessories, including e£**°°°¤**°*¤*¤’*°¤¤· purchase of lands and rights of way, and for the purchase, installation, ` operation, and maintenance of necessary lines and means of electrical communication, including telephones, dial and other telegraphs, wiring and all special instruments, apparatus, and materials, coast signal`appara— tus, and salaries of electrical experts, engineers, and other necessary employzss. connected with the use of coast artillery; for the purchase, 3*** °¤d°"· °°°· manu ure, and test of range finders and other instruments for fire control at the fortifications, and the machinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals, one million dollars. · · . For purchase and installation of searchlights for the defenses of our $°°’°'*“€h”· most im rtant harbors, two hundred thousand dollars. For th; protection, preservation, and repair of fortifications for P*°¤°*”°’°¤·°°°· which there may be no special appropriation available, three hundred thousand dollars. . . . . ‘ For preparation of plans for fortifications, five thousand dollars. mm For too s, electrical and engine supplies and appliances, to be fur· E'°°¤'*° 1**** nished by the Engineer Department, for the use of the troops for maintaining and operating electric light and power plants in gun and · mortar batteries, forty thousand dollars. For construction of sea walls and embankments, nineteen thousand S" ‘““*- four hundred dollars. For the construction of mining casemates, cable galleries, torpedo S“"““’“‘° ”""°*· storehouses, cable tanks, and other structures necessary for the operation, reservation, and care of submarine mines and their accessories, ' four Ihundred thousand dollars, to be expended by the Engineer Dclpartmeut. _ t shall be the duty of the Secretary of War to apply the money °°“‘"‘““· herein appropriated for fortifications and other works of defense, in carrying on the various works, by contract or otherwise, as may be most economical and advantageous to the Government. Where said works are done by contract, such contract shall be made after sufficient ublic advertisement for proposals, in such manner and form as the Secretary of War shall rescribe; and such contracts shall be made with the lowest res nsihle bidders, accompanied by such securities as the Secretary of Wg(i· shall require, conditioned for the faithful prosecution and completion of the work according to such contract. Anmnunxr OF roaumcarross. A¤¤¤¤*°¤*- For the purchase, manufacture, test, and issue of machine and auto- M°°***¤° Fmmatic guns, including their carriages, sights, implements, equipments, and the machinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals, seventy thousand ollars. _ _ For the purchase manufacture, and test of mountain, field, and s,jgg'f‘$gs*f‘·”°l¢¤¤* siege cannon, including their carriages, sights, implements, equip-