846 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 1402. 1905. ments, and the machinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals, six hundred thousand dollars. A U¤°*P°¤“°d "**l· Balances remaining unexpended from amounts appropriated by ct mxgmsmmblg of May seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, for siege breechvol: pj 155: l;;<}ling_m<;1(5rtars,) stepl, (pffsevendnch calibeg; bytéact off May tgvsiegtyd _ nine en un re , or carriages an p orms or s e e mortars of three and six-tenths inch caliber, including imdplements and V°*· SL P- *7*- equipments;` and by Act of March first, nineteen hundre and one, for five-inch breech—loading rifles, siege, and for carriages for steel breech-loading rifles, siege, of five—inch caliber, including equipments, platform, and ammunition wagons, are hereby made avai able for such objects as are provided for by the foregoing apgfopriation, and such funds will_hereafter be accounted for under t is same heading of . appropriation.
- “””““*'*°“· llor the purchase, manufacture, and test of ammunition for machine
and automatic guns, and for mountain, field, and siege cannon, includ- · mg the necmsary experiments in connection therewith, and the machinelryl xipcessary for its manufacture at the arsenal , two hundred thousan dollars. S¤¤¤¤¤¤*¤¤¤¤- For the purchase, manufacture, test, and issue of seacoast cannon for coast defense, including their carriages, sights, implements, equip- · ments, and the machinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals, five hundred thousand dollars. Mmmm- For the riurchase, manufacture, and test of ammunition for seacoast cannon inc uding the necessary experiments in connection therewith and the; machinery necessary for its manufacture at the arsenals, fouf hundred and fifty thousand dollars. migigeggyze For the purchase, manufacture, and test of inspecting instruments ag. " fr ’ for the manufacture of cannon, carriages, and ammunition; range finders and other instruments I01' iire control at the fortifications and in field batteries, and the machinery necessary for their manufacture · at the arsenals, one hundred and fifty-five thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. · I Am¤¤¤¤={¤;¤;mg;;; For the purchase, manufacture, and test of ammunition, subcaliber plilmliggm tubes, and other accessories for seacoast artillery practice, including the machinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals, three hundred and forty-eight thousand dollars. aged ;_¤;Qk;$¤¤¤ ¤· For the purchase, manufacture, and test of ammunition, subcaliber intubes, and other accessories for mountain, field, and siege artillery practice, including the machinery necessary for their manufacture- at the arselrnals, seventy-segen thousand dollsgs. M¢¤¤¤¤¤¤» M For the a teration an maintenance of the seacoast artillery, includ- .ing the purchase and manufacture of machinery, tools, and materials necessary for the work and the expenses of the mechanics enrra ed _ 8 g ‘ thereon, five hundred and sixty thousand dollars. °°¤¤’¤°* Hum- For eight-inch, ten—inch, and twelve—inch guns, manufactured by con- V*>*·¤¤· r·r·3W»"'°· tract, under the provisions of the fortifications Acts approved August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and February twenty-fourth, eighteen hun red and ninety-one, twenty-eight thousand dol rs. “;¤;g>`;ng¤gf=,}>*°*· mzovruc enouxn, snxnr Hoon, Naw Jmtsnr. ¤¤i¤*°¤¤¤¢¤‘· For current expenses and maintenance of the ordnance proving ground, Sandy Iiook, NewdJersey, ixacluldingk expenses iricident to the transportation o men an materia there or nera repairs and alterations and accessories incidental to testing dndeproving ordnance, including hire of assistants for the Ordnance d, skilled mechanical labor, purchase of instruments and other supplies, building and repairing butts and targets, clearing and grading ranges, fifty thousand two hundred and fortv-three dollars.