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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/942

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FIFTY-IQIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. (JH. 1404. 1905. 855 For (pay of one copyist, typewriter, and attendant in the de rtment of mo ern languages, to be selected and appointed by the Su ringeiiilent and to be immediately available, seven hundred andpfifty 0 ars; In all, tocivilians employed at Military Academy, fifty-Eve thousand two hundred and eighty dollars. For current and ordinary expenses as follows: °“*"°°° °*P°¤*¤ For expenses of the Board of Visitors, including mileage, three B°°"’ °‘V*“°°'¤ thousand five hundred dollars; d Gontingencies for Superintendent of the Academy, two thousand o ars; . Repairs and improvements, namely: Tin1ber, lanks, boards, joists, R°P’“'·°*° wall strips, laths, shingles, slate, tin, sheet lead), zinc, nails, screws, locks, hinges, glass, paints, turpentine, oils, varnish, brushes, stone, brick, ilag, lime, cement, plaster hair, sewer and drain pipe, blasting powder, fuse, iron, steel, tools, machinery, uiantles, and other similar materials, renewing roofs, and for ay of architect overseer and citizen mechanics, and labor employedp upon re irs and improvements that can not be done by enlisted men, forty thliusand dollars; For fuel and apparatus, namely: Coal, wood, charcoal, stoves, grates, F“°l· °‘°; heaters, furnaces, ranges and iixtures, fire bricks, clay, sand, and for repairs of steam heating apparatus, grates, stoves, heaters, ranges, and furnaces, mica, thirty thousand dollars· For gas pipes, gas and electric fixtures, electric lamps, and lighting supplies, lamp-posts, gasometers and retorts, and annual repairs of the same, two thousand five hundred dollars· For fuel for cadets’ mess hall, shops, and, laundry, fourteen thou· » or te un an t dollars- -°‘ °¤° '“' °** unlslldopostagei ; and Iegrammthreeh dred dif dll P * d" _ For stationery, name y: Blank books, paper, envelopes, qluills, steel pgzgicumpens, rubbers, erasers, pencils, mucilage, wax, wafers, fo ders, fasteners, rules, iiles, ink, inkstands, ty writers, typewriting supplies, office furniture, penholders, tape, dlegk knives, blotting pads, and rubber bands, one thousand five hundred dollars: For transportation of materials, discharged cadets, and for ferri- T""“*‘*’°‘“°*°“· ages, and for transportation of iirst class of cadets to and from Gettysburg battlefiel , \Vatervliet Arsenal,_and Sandy Hook proving grounds, t ree thousand dollars; _ Printing: For printing and binding, type, materials for oitlice, "’"‘“‘“‘· including repairs to motor and machinery, diplomas for graduates, annual registers, blanks, and monthly reports to parents of cadets, one thousand five hundred dollars: For department of cavalry, artillery, and infantry tactics: Tan bark ,,f’,‘f'${§1‘}§,‘}{ff,,§’1,{j or other proper cover for riding hall, to be purchased in olpen market f¤¤•¤ ¤¤¤¤<=¤- upon written order of the Superintendent, six hundred dollars; For cam stools, camp and office furniture and repairs to same and door mats for cadet barracks, sinks, and guardhouse, six hundred and lift dollars; Flor stationery, typewriting supplies and repairs, for use of instructors and assistant instructors of tactics: for books and ma s, binding books, and mounting maps, four hundred and twenty-ilye dollars: • For repairs and improvements of dressing rooms, platform, and swimmin tank, two hundred and twenty dollars; For silk and worsted sashes for cadet omcers and acting oiizicers, two hundred and twenty dollars; _ For foils, masks, belts, fencingl gloves, fencing jackets, gaiters, sabers, and repairs, four hundred o lars; _ For purchase of one typewriter, complete, with cabinet for same, one hundred and twenty-ve dollars;