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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/943

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856 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. IIl. Ch. 1404. 1905. For bookcases for library in dialectic hall and Young Men’s Christian { ci H Association hall, onefhundred gollafs; wml I D°’P?¥"““*°. " _ For de rtment o civi an mi itar engineering: r e s, ma s, iiiigmlllmryenglneer purchase gid repair of instruments, appdratus, drawing boards, desks, _ chairs, shelves, and cases for books and instruments, text—books, books of reference, and stationery for the use of instructors, and contingencies, one thousand dollars; D¢vv·r¤¤¤¤*9f¤¤*¤; For department of natural and ex rimental philosophy: Additions i>iin°£gpirl§?°nm€uw to apparatus to illustrate the rincipl; of mechanics, acoustics, optics, » and astronomy; books of regdrence, scientific periodicals, text-books, stationery, materials, and repairs; and for repairs to the observatory gufldings and repairs to cloc s, one thousand eight hundred and fifty o lars; 1>¤=g¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¤f¤¤·¤¤- For department of instruction in mathematics: Text—books, books um °& of reference, binding, and stationery; for tables of logarithms; for rules and triangles; for purchase of geometrical drawings and models; for cases for geometrical models; for office desks, chairs, bookcases, , and office fittings; and for contingencies; seven hundred and twenty- D¤P¤¤!¤°¤*·°*¢¤¤¤· _ or e rtment o c emist , mine , an geo ogy: emica , iv]? dollars; f h ral d I Ch ls i;°giégu§1ii°ml°gy'md chemical Iaipparatus, glass andlporcelaiu woge, paper, wire, sheet metal, - ores, photographic apparatus and materials; rough specimens, fossils, r and for apparatus and materials to be used in the practical determination of mmeralogical and geological specimens; pencils and paper for the practical instruction in the same branches, and for gradua increase and improvement of the cabinet; for repairs and additions to electric, magnetic, pneumatic, thermic, and optical apparatus; for purchase of laboratory and power—room machinery and apparatus and installation of same; for models, maps,‘and diagrams, books of reference, textbooks, and stationery for use of instructors; and for contingent expenses not otherwise provided for, three thousand six hundred and thirty dollars; ,¤1;°P¤m¤°¤*°*°’¤W· For department of drawing: Drawing material, instruments, and ` stationerv for use of instructors; repairs to models and purchase of new models; desks, stretchers, drawi boards, racks, and stands; framing drawings; books and periodiclikv, on art, architecture, topography, and technology; binding maps, books, and so forth; repairs to stereopticon and pure ase of lantern slides; photographic apparatus and materrazkdpreparation of new data sheets and illustrated mphlets for use of ets; purchase of new instruments and repair oixhld ones, for use of cadets; and for contingent expenses, one thousand two hundred and thirty dollars; For twelve new desks for cadets, one hundred and twenty dollar·s; For one mapfiling case, one hundred and iiftv dollars; For one ty writer, with tabulator and cabinet, one hundred and thirty-two dollfrs; For one oscillatin mimeograph, fifty dollars; For blueprinting hame, with window rails and pad, eighty dollars; d ger rapid photographic lens and shutter, one hundred and fifty o ars; D¢P¤¤¤¤=¤¤¤*¤¤<>d· For department of modern lan ua es: For stationery text-books m h 8 °and books of reference for use of instiirrctors, for repairs bt books and apparatus and for office furniture, and for printing examination pa ers, and other necessary papers, and for contingencies, five hundred) and ninety-eight dollars; ,,,?,°{_fj,§}‘y°f" °‘ l" For department of law and history: For stationery, text-books, and books of reference for the use of instructors, maps, map fixtures, furniture, and for repairs to the same, for rebinding books and periodicals, and for contingencies, five hundred dollars;_ ucpgngéggpg; For department of practical military engineering: For purchase and mm;. repair of instruments; transportation; purchase of tools, implements,