858 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1404. 1905. ¤°mY· Increase and expense of library, namely: For purchase, preservation, care, storage, binding and repair of books, periodicals, pamphlets, maps, pictures, and manuscripts; purchase of furniture, cases, stationery, and fittings; for expenses of making copies of military manuscripts in other libraries, an for contingent expenses not otherwise provided for; purchases to be made in oppn market on the written order of the Superintendent, ten thousand do lars· - dc%Q§m°“*~“°“‘ For contingent funds, to be expended under the direction of the i academic board: For instruments, books, repairs to apparatus, and ’ other incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, one thousand dollars; P'””’”°· . Provided That all technical and scientific sup lies for the depart- Techuml mW1m` ments of iristruction of the Military Academy sliall be purchased by contract or otherwise, as the Secretary of War may deem best; . M”*°*“ ““PP“°°· Purchase of instruments for band and repairs to same; for purchase of reeds, pads, strings, and other materials necessary for brass, wood, wind, and string instruments; for purchase of music stands and other. equipments; for purchase of music for military band and orchestra · _ and for extra parts; all to be urchased in open market on order of
- Su rintendent, two thousand three hundred dollars;
L°‘“‘d'Y· Sgpairs and improvements to the laundry machinery and apparatus in the cadet laundry, and the purchase of new material, tools, and so florth, to be expended without advertising, one thousand eight hundred ollars; · Repair of cooking utensils, chairs, tables, and other furniture in the cadet mess, and the replacement of same, to be expended without advertising, one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; G*"”““i“"*· Gymnasium and athletic supplies: For repairs, new machines, athletic supplies, and fixtures for gymnasium, one thousand seven hundred dollars; For furniture, curtains, and rugs for cadet reception room, one hundred and fifty dollars; P°“°“‘¥· For the policing of barracks, bath houses, supplying light and plain furniture to cadet barracks, nine thousand dollars; In all, for miscellaneous items and incidental expenses, forty-six thousand five hundred and fifty-five dollars. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. ,,,-§.i}S§““" ”"d For cases, materials, fittings, fixtures, and other a pliances and (Iieppirs for ordnance museum in academy building, three hundred o ars; For repairs to ordnance laboratory and other buildings pertainin to the department of ordnance and gunnery, painting buildin s, and materials for roads and walks, and for repairs to machinery and tools, one hundred and fifty dollars; For general repairs to the cadet laundry building, painting, and for emergency incidental expenses about building, to be expended without a vertising, four hundred dollars; For the better fire protection of the cadet laundr , providin therein standpipe, hose, hose connection and swinging reel; two hundred and eighty- ve dollars; . or painting and general incidental repairs and improvements to the cadet store building, including storerooms, office, tailor shops, and shoe repairing shops, three hundred dollars; S<>1¤i¤¤’ ¤¤¤vi¤¤1- For materials and labor for repairs, alterations, and additions needed . at the soldiers’ hospital, as follows: · For purchase o suitable incandescent lights, droplights, tubing, mantels, and so forth; for parailin and turpentine for waxing floors;