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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/946

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1404. 1905. 859 for brushes, paints, glass, putty, and for eneral repairs; for materials for rebronzing radiators; and for purchase of iiowers, fruit trees, shrubs, plants, and so forth, for hospital grounds, one hundred and sixty—1ive dollars; ' For materials, labor, and so forth, required for putting skylight in operating room, two hundred dollars; For repainting interior walls, ceilings, and woodwork of soldiers’ hoipital, four hundred and fifty dollars; or waterworks: Renewal of material in filter beds; improving ven- Wmrwvrh tilation of filter house and water house; hose for use in cleaning filter beds and water house, and for use in fire service at same; tools, implements, and materials for use of the two keepers and for repairs of siphon house, filter house, and of four and one—half miles ot supply pipe; for shed for tools and storage of fuel for·keeper of Round Pond, and for tool house at filter; for gauges at and for stairs for access to same, and all other necessary work of maintenance and repairs, one thousand two hundred dollars: _Fpr repaglrs and necessary alterations and additions to the cadet hos- ¤¤·d¤¤1w¤vi•=¤L pita , as 0 0ws: . Materials for rebronzing radiators and piping; material for waxing and polishing floors; suitable incandescent lights, droplights, mantles, tubes; for ca ts, furniture, and appliances; for repairs of damaged giggles, and I-fdr miscellaneous expenses, one hundred and twenty 0 rs; ‘ Foihpprchase of iiowers and shrubs for hospital grounds, one hundred o lars; . For one new bathroom, third floor, with fixtures and tiling· for iron bridge across court, and stairway leading to court; for subdividi operating room so as to make room for minor eases, dressing aiid anaesthesia, with corresponding tiled walls; for enlarging and ren0vatJ ing present cadet mess room, and for new kitchen in basement, with plumbing, cooking apparatus, refrigerator, pantry, and dumb-waiter; for making two new entrances to basement; for new bathroom, first floor, with fixtures and tiling; for exhaust fan for shaft and fan inside dark room; for cement gutter along the lower base of lawn in front of hospital; for one hundred and twenty window screens: six thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars; For repainting interior walls, ceilings, and woodwork of central buildin , and the north wing of cadet hospital, seven hundred and fift dcdlars; lxor building provisional contagious-disease hospital, under direction bJ{;g;*gg*°“*‘ ·****¤*° of the Secretary hplfl War, two thousand five hundred dollars, to be ` immediately avai e; _ Repairs to cadet barracks: . ""°‘ ”‘"‘°'“ For repaiping and renewing plastering, painting and calcimining, repairs to w work, renooring, rearranging rooms, increasing sinks, baths, and other incidental repairs to the building, five thousand _ ‘ dollars; For maintainin and improving the grounds of the post cemetery, C€’¤°**'Y- two thousand dolhnrsr. For continuin the construction of breast-high wall in dangerous places, five hunched dollars: _ _ _ For broken stone and gravel for roads, and for repairing sidewalks, R°‘“*“· °‘°· roads, paths, and brid es on the reservation, five thousand dollars; For repairs to saddles, bridles, purchase of leather, curb chains, bitls, stirrgpgs, and so forth, and to keep same in repair, two hundred an fift * 0 larst For dainting and repairing interior walls and woodwork of cadet mess building, one thousand dollars;