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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/947

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860 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1404. 1905. For renewin roof of old portion of cadet mess and new copper d tfg t th dt hdddlls own spou s or same, wo thousand wo un re o ar ; For construction of three-inch standpipes in north and south halls of cadet mess, with suitable hose connections, and fifty feet of cotton hose on swinging brackets on first and second floors; also for installing and connecting with post firealizrm system one fire—alarm box in basement, six hundred and fifty dollars; B"“““ ‘°°" *°“°"· For one steam road rolleré of abouti sins tions weight, to be immediatel * available, two thousan five hun re ollars; Fbr completing work of macadamizing and laying brick gutters to soap in front of quarters numbered twenty-two to forty, three thousand ol ars; For material and labor so rebuild aboult two hlucpciped and fifty feet of main sewer at north en of post one thousand dollars· °'°°°°"“‘”'°“°¢ For regrading and draining grdund occupied by caddt camp, surfacing company streets with bro en stone, and substituting iron posts and rllails fos tlhe present wooden posts and rails used to support tents, six t ousau ollars; gor providing sclpeenl doogs hapd windows for officers’ mess building _ an quarters nine un red o rs; P°"’°”’·°°°‘ For paintihg interior walls, ceiling, and ironwork of stairways in the aca emy building and varnishing the woodwork, repairing plaster- Lug (pid} plsiister cornice throughout the building, six thousand five un r dollars; For adding arilother story to qugrters occupied by keeper of the post cemetery, two thousand five hun red ollars; g` or Jepaifihg ceililpg of porcéi and repairipgl fence around stable an ri ing a one un re an twenty-five dollars; For repairing roof of riding hall, one hundred dollarsfor putiting in eighteen new sashgs in riding hagzggpliacing glass in ot ers an repairing same, two hun red and fifty rs; F or construction of new saddle room to hold dat saddles, bridles, and piguipfpxppts pertaining to riding instruction of cadets, one hundred and tv dollars; liipié psiinting and whitewashing interior of cavalry stables, one thousan ol ars; ‘ _ For paintin woodwork throughoutthe eaval barracks and iringlroof, one hundred and ninety dollars; . ry rem umber and other material for geneml repairs in cavalry barracks, cavalry stables, riding hall, and or constructing hurdles, heads and rupg pcists, training c aptesisnd slp fort}? two hundred dollars; `or avatory at cav ry rrae s eig tv—five dollars- F"' *’““’“’“· Io use toward the restoration of ,Fort Putnam, on the United States Military lieservation at West Point, New York, to be expended under the_d1rection of the Secretary of War, five thousand dollars; _ .lc¢;ta2bu1lld1p'g·s and grounds, fifty-nine thousand eight hundred and nm y- ve o rs. ,,,f§€‘A‘§‘,Q§f°’*°“"‘““" _In carrying out the provisions of the Act of June twenty-eighth, V¤1-·¤.p·419- nineteen undred and two, after gpneral plans haye_been prepared and approved by the Secretary of ar, he may, within the limit of cost fixed, `pcroceed with their execution in such order as the detailed plgns may lppproved gy him and ID such manner, by contract or ot erwise, as e may see 't. Approved, March 3, 1905.