FIFIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1405. 1905. 875 make a request upon the Secretary of the Treasury for samples from original packages of such articles for inspection and analysis, and the pJ,‘{;§°;fQQ,ggj ’“" Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to open such original i packages and deliver specimens to the Secretary of Agriculture for the purpose mentioned, giving notice to the owner or consignee of such articles, who may be plresent and have the right to introduce testimony; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall refuse delivery to the consignee Unwhoiwme swds of any such goods which the Secretary of Agriculture reports to him “°°°°b°d°1"°°°d' _ have been inspected and anal zed and found to be dangerous to health or falsely labeled or branded; either as to their contents or as to the place of their manufacture or production or which are forbidden entry or to be sold, or are restricted in sale in the countries in which they are made or from which they are exported, employing such assistants, clerks, and other persons as the Secretary of Agriculture may consider necessary for the purpose named, one hundred and thirty thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars: Provided, That three thousand dollars MMP thereof shall be used exclusively for the purpose of investigating, deter- I mining and reporting the proper treatment and process in order to secure uniform grade and quality of first-class table sirup. Total for Bureau of Chemistry, one hundred and fifty-five thousand , dollars. BUREAU OF SOILS. B“'°°€“°*“°“’· Sxmams, BUREAU or Sons: One soil physicist, who shall be chief "°"“"°'· ·of burea three thousand five hundred dollars; one chief clerk, two thousandudollars; one clerk, class four, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk, class three, one thousand six hundred dbllars; three clerks, class two, four thousand two hundred dollars; six clerks, class one, seven thousand two hundred dollars; one draftsman, one thousand two hundred dollars; one draftsman, one thousand dollars; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each, three thousand dollars; one clerk, eight hundred and forty dollars; one clerk (now laborer), seven hundred and twenty dollars; one clerk (now laborer), six hundred dollars; one carpenter, eight hundred and forty dollars; one assistant photographer. eight hundred and forty dollars; one mechanician, one thousand dollars; one iireman, eight hundred and forty dollars; two watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; one messenger, seven hundred and twenty dollars; one messenger or laborer, four hundred and eighty dollars; one charwoman, four hundred and eighty dollars; one messen 'er boy, three hundred and sixty dollars: in a l, thirty-four thousand six hundred and sixt dollars. Soul mvnsrnwrroxsz (leneml expenses, Bureau of Soils: Investi- §*,f'$§§‘}},;‘,f{‘f,§‘$,°“·,, gation of the relation of soils to climate and organic life: for the ¤··¤¤- investigation of the texture and com sition of soils in the field and laboratory; for the investigation of th; cause and prevention of the rise of alkali in the soils of the irrigated districts; the investigation of the relation of soils to drainage and seepa e waters. and of methods for the prevention of the accumulation of and injury from see age waters in irrigated districts: for investigations of soils and for indicating upon maps or plats, by coloring or otherwise, the results of such investigations: to map the tobacco soils of the United States; to inves- T<>¤¤<¤¤¤· tigate the soils and conditions of tobacco growth in Cuba, Sumatra, and other tobacco-competing countries; to investigate, in cooperation with the Bureau of Plant Industry. the methods of curing, with particular reference to fermentation: to originate, through selection and breeding, improved varieties for the principgl tobacco districts of the United States, and to secure, as far as may . . a change in the methods
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