876 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1405. 1905. . R°¤F· . of su l in tobacco to forei n countries; the location of the stations; Bmw mem' em rent di) liuildings, not to excged four thousand dollars per annum, for oflice and laboratory purposes; the employment of local and special agents, clerks, assistants, and other labor reeipired in conducting experiments in the city of Washington and elsew ere, and in collating, digesting, reporting, and illustrating the results of such experiments; the preparation and printing of reports, drawings, and illustrations; for materials, tools, instruments, apparatus, gas, and- electric current, furniture, supplies; for telegraph and telephone service, and for traveling expenses, freight and express charges, and other necessary ex uses, one hundred and seventy thousand dollars. Ibtal for Bureau of Soils, two hundred and four thousand six hundred and sixty dollars. 0‘*;j*****“ °”“*°¤°‘· BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY. ¤•*¤¤¤· Ssnnuns, Bmzmu or Enrouomcxc One entomologist, who shall ` be chief of bureau, two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, and for additional compensation while the office is held by the present incumbent, five hundred dollars, three thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; one chief clerk one thousand eight hundred dollars; three - clerks, class two, four thousand two hunched dollars; one artist, one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk, class one, one thousand two hundred dollars; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each, three thousand dollars· one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; one clerk, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, sixteen thousand four hundred and ten dollars. §_$;‘gS”,g'g:ggg;***°· Exromonoeicar ryvnsrronxoxsz General expenses, Bureau of ` Entomolog : Promotion of economic entomology; investigating the history andy habits of insects injurious and beneficial to agriculture, horticulture, and arboriculture; ascertaining the best means of destroy- ing those found to be injurious, including an investigation into the ravages of insects aifecting field crocpsg investigations of the insects affecting small fruit, shade trees, an truck crops, forests and forest products aud stored products; investigation of insects in relation to iseases of men and domestic animals and as animal parasites; miscellaneous insect investigations including the introduction of beneficial insects, quarantine work, and the study of fungous and other diseases of insects; for the expenses of insect laboratory, collections and experimental garden; investigations in apiculture and in silk culture; investigations of insecticides and insecticide machinery; purchase of chemicals, insecticide apparatus, and other materials, su plies, and instruments required in conducting such experiments an<i)1nvestigations; for the employment of local and special agents, clerks, assistants, and other labor required in conducting experiments in the city of Washington and elsewhere, and in collating, digesting, reporting, and illustrating the results of such experiments; freight and express Rent. charges and necessary traveling ex enses; rent of buddings; for office fixtures and supplies, telegraph andp tele hone services; and electric current; preparing, illustrating, and publishing the resultfof the work gwé of of the Bureau, sixty-eight thousand and sixty dollars: Provided, That ¤¤4smm.w£i,Y of this sum the Secretary of Agriculture may, if he deems it wise to do so, expend not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars for the investigation and introduction of parasites and other natural enemies of the gypsy and brown-tail moths. Tota for Bureau of Entomology, eighty-four thousand four hundred and seventy dollars.
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