878 FIFTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS, Sess. III. Ch. 1405. 1905. one thousand two hundred dollars; one chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; four clerks, class one, four thousand eight hundred dollars; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each, three thousandr dollars; one assistant in charge document section, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one assistant in document section, one thousand four hundred dollars; one assistant in document section, one thousand two hundred dollars; one foreman, document section, one thousand four hundred dollars; one foreman, farmers’ bulletin distribution, one thousand two hundred dollars; one chief folder, one thousand dollars; three folders, at eight hundred and forty dollars each, two thousand five hundred and twenty dollars; two folders, at six hundred dollars each, one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk, nine hundred dollars; three clerks, at eight hundred and forty dollars each, two thousand five hundred and twenty dollars; twenty-eight clerks (now laborers), at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, twenty thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; thirty-five clerks (now laborers), at six hundred dollars each, twenty-one thousand dollars; two assistant photographers, at eight hundred and forty dollars each, one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars; seven skilled laborers (now laborers), at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, five thousand and forty dollars; twenty skilled laborers (now laborers), at six hundred dollars each, twelve thousand dollars; one skilled laborer (now laborer), four hundred and eighty dollars; one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; two messen ers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, one thousand four hundred and fort dollars; one messenger (now laborer), seven hundred and twenty dlbllars; three messengers (now laborers), at six hundred dollars each, one thousand eight hundred dollars; two messengers (now laborers), at four hundred and twenty dollars each, eight hundred and forty dollars; one messenger boy (now laborer), three hundred and sixtv dollars; one fireman, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, one hundred and fourteen thousand three hundred and seventy dollars. G¤¤¤r¤1¤¤1>¤¤¤¢¤· PUBLICATIONS, DEPARTMENT or Aomcumirizn: General expenses, running, em., or Division of Publications: For the preparation, printing, illustration, °°"““‘°"“‘ publication, indexing, and distribution of documents, bulletins, and reports, one hundre and thirty-two thousand two hundred and fifty ` do lars, of which sum ninety-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty F¤¤¤¤¤'*>¤11¤¤¤¤- dollars shall be available for the preparation, printing, and distribution of farmers’ bulletins, which shall be adapted to the interests of mgg{¤8¤’¤·l•*¤¤l ¤ll¤*· the people of the different sections of the country, an equal proportion ' of four-fifths of which shall be delivered to or sent out under the addressed franks furnished by Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress, as such Senators, Representatives, or Delegates in {,*;,¢{·,";,¢g:i,0u Ofcom Congress shall direct: H·rn·ided, That the Secretary of Agriculture mn. shal notify Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress of the title and character of each such bulletin, with the total number to which each Senator, Representative, and Delegate may be entitled for such distribution; and on the face of the envelope inclosing said bul- Dh l { mu d let1ns_ shall be printed the title of each bulletin contained therein: ,0, b§Y{'§,§,,“" °Provzded further, That all such bulletins included in the quotas of Senators, Representatives, or Delegates not called for on or before the thirty-first day of May in each fiscal ear shall revert to the Secretary of Agriculture, and be available to him, either for miscellaneous distribution or in making up Congressional quotas for the next fiscal e,,Q°'“'*°”*l °’“P‘°>`· year; three thousand live undred dollars for additional assistants, editorial, proof reading, indexing, and other necessary help in the citv of Washington and elsewhere; for the pay of artists, draftsmen, and e,;°°l‘· *”‘“"““°“°¤· engravers; the purchase of manuscript for publication: for tools, instruments, and artists’ materials; for drawings, engravings, hotographs, paintings, lithographs, and other illustration work; for electro-
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/965