F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1405. 1905. 877 BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY. ,cf,”{;}”f* MM- Sammns, BUREAU or Bionoerom. SURVEY: One biologist, who shall $¤'¤¤°¤· be chief of Bureau, three thousand dollars; one clerk class one, one thousand two hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each, two thousand dollars; one clerk, nine hundred dollars; one messenger or laborer, four hundred and eighty dollars; in all, seven thousand five hundred and eighty dollars. - · Bronoercar. mvmsrroauonss General expenses, biological investi— f,f$§s'g;gg$_j_¤* gations: For biological investigations, including the geographic dis- _ tr·ibution and migrations of animals, birds, and plants, and for the promotion of economic ornithology and mammalo y; for an investigation of the food habits of North American birds and mammals in relation to agriculture, horticulture, and forestry; for the em loy- ment of loca and special agents, clerks, assistants, and other Ihbor required in conducting experiments in the city of Washington and elsewhere, and in collating, digesting, reporting, and illustrating the results of such experiments; for freight and express charges; for office fixtures and supplies, gas and electric current, telegraph and telephone service; for preparation and publication of reports, and for illustrations, field work, and traveling and other expenses in the ractical work of the division, and to enable the Secretary of Agriculiture mygstggglmg to carry into elfect the provisions of an Act apriroved May twenty- Kihei game. °g° Y fifth, nineteen hundred, entitled "An Act to en arge the powers of V°1·“1*P·“’· the Department of Agricultnrezxprohibiting the transplortation by interstate commerce of fgame kill in violation of local ws, and for other pnrposes,” forty- our thousand four hundred and twenty dollars. Total for Bureau of Biological Survey, fifty-two thousand dollars. DIVISION OF ACCOUNTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. mgiigggggfécggu Sxnamns, Drvrsrox or Accoumvs AND Drsnunsnmnrvrs: Chief of S*‘°"°* division and disbursing clerk, two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; one assistant chief of division, two thousand five hundred dollars; one auditor, two thousand dollars; one cashier-, one thousand _ eight hundred dollars; one clerk, class four, one thousand eight hundred dollars; three clerks, class three, four thousand eight undred dollars; six clerks, class two, eight thousand four hundred dollars; two clerks, class one (one of whom s Il bea steno<rrapher and typewriter;, two thousand four hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand do - lars each, two thousand dollars; three clerks (now laborers}, at seven hundred and twent dollars each, two thousand one hundre and sixty dollars; one custodian of records and iiles, one thousand dollars; one clerk (now laborer), six hundred dollars; in all, thirty-two thousand two hundred and ten dollars. _ DIVISION OF PUBLICATIONS. mKi;*¤i<>¤ ¤fP¤¤¤¤ Sammuzs, Dwrsrox or Pvsmcnronsz One editor, who shall be s*‘*“°°- chief of division, three thousand dollars; one editor, who shall be -assistant chief of division, two thousand two hundred and lift dollars; one associate editor, two thousand dollars; one assistant editor, one thousand eight hundred dollars; two assistant editors, at one thousand six hundred dollars each, three thousand two hundred dollars; one editorial clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars: one editorial clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; one engraver, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one draftsman or clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; two draftsmen or clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each, two thousand eight hundred dollars; one draftsman or clerk,
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/964