FIFTY-EIGHTH. CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1405. 1905. 881 OFFICE OF EXPEBIMENT STATIONS. m}f1§P°“¤°¤* M- Sammns, Orrron or Exrnmmsnr Snrroivsz One director three 0*** ¤¤·¤<¤¤· thousand five hundred dollars; one chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one editorial assistant, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk and proof reader, one thousand six hundred dollars; two clerks. class two, two thousand eight hundred dollars; four clerks, class one, four thousand eight hundred dollars; five clerks, at one thousand dollars each, five thousand dollars; two clerks, at nine hundred dollars each, one thousand eight hundred dollars; three clerks, · at eight hundred and fonty dollars each, two thousand five hundred and twenty dollars; one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; one messenger or laborer, five hundred; and forty dollars; one messenger boy, three hundred and sixty dollars; one copyist or laborer, seven undred and twenty dollars; two laborers or charwomen, at four hundred and eighty dollars each, nine hundred and sixty dollars; in all, twenty-nine thousand and forty dollars. ‘ Aumcttrurzan Exrnnrmsur snrroxsz To carry into effect the ro- m${gl{¤l{=*¤*P¢¤— visions of an Act approved March second, eighteen hundred and eighty- vcr. 24, 3. iio. seven, entitled "An Act to establish a ricuiitural experiment stations in connection with the colleges establidhed in the several States under the provisions of an Act approved July second, eighteen hundred and V°l- 1* P- 5*** sixty-two, and of the Acts supplementary thereto/’ and to enforce the execution thereof, seven hun red and ninety-four thousand six hundred and sixty dollars, twenty-one thousand six hundred and sixty dol- B“"°""* lars of which sum shall be payable upon the order of the Secretapy of mgricultnre, to enable him to carry out the dprovisions of section ree WL 2*-l~ 4* o said Act of March second, eighteen hun red and eightyseven, and ¤°¤“*¤°¤*¤·- the Secretary of Agriculture shall prescribe the form 0 the annual iinancial statement required by section three of said Act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven; shall ascertain whether the E*P°¤*“**¤°¤· expenditures under the appropriation hereby made are in accordance with the provisions of said Act, and shall ma e report thereon to Congress: and the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to employ such assistants, clerks, and other rsons as he may deem necessary, in the city of lllashington and elsewhgre, and to incursuch other expenses for office lixtures and sup lies, stationery, traveling, freight and express charges. illustration of the Experiment Station Record, bulletins, and reports as he may lind essentia in carrying out the objects of the above _ _ Acts; and the sums apportioned to the several States shall be paid I“’"'°"° °° S'°°°“‘ quarterly in advance. And the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby CW ¤¤¤¤¢· authorized to furnish to such institutions or individuals as may care to buy them. copies of the card index of agricultural literature prepared . by the Office of Experiment Stations, and charge for the same a price. covering the additional expense involved in the preparation of these copies. and he is hereby authorized to apply the moneys received toward the expense of the {preparation of the in ex, and this fund shall be available until used: anc the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to ,,,;}gf*°“'*"’**' ""‘ expend forty-eight thousand dollars of which sum to establish and __ maintain agricultural experiment stations in the Territories of Alaska, P(f},‘Q*‘,§Q駓"““·““" llawaii, and Porto Rico, including the erection of buildings, the printing (in Hawaii and Porto Rico). illustration, and distribution of _ rc orts and bulletins: I’1·02·z`rZe¤?, That not more than fifteen thousand f{},’{§{"*· dollars shall be expended for the maintenance of such stations in any one of said Territories, except in the case of Alaska, where three . thousand dollars additional may be used for the purchase and introduction of live stock for experimental puréposes; and the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to sell such pro ucts as are obtained on the land belonging to the agricultural expleriruent stations in Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico, and to apply the moneys received from the vol, XXXXH, PT l-·-—56
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