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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/969

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882 FIFTY-EIGHTH oonomzss. sm. III. cn. 1405. 1905. sale of such products to the maintenance of said stations, and this fund shall be available until used; in all, seven hundred and ninety- ,¤§;g,°,*;°“ **""'°"“’ four thousand six hundred and sixty dollars: Provided, That five thousand dollars of this sum shall be used by the Secretary of Agriculture to investigate and report upon the organization and progress of farmers’ institutes in the several States an Territories, and upon similar organizations in foreign countries, with special suggestions of plans and methods for making such organizations more effective for the dissemination of the results of the work of the Department of Agriculture and the agricultural experiment stations and of improved methods of agricultural practice._ m§,‘;f’*“°” *’"°‘“¥*" Nrrr1u·rroN mvnsrroarroxsz To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to investigate and report upon the nutritive value of the various articles and commodities used for human food, with special suggestions of full, wholesome, and edible rations less wasteful and more economical than those in common use, including special investigations on the nutritive value and economy of the diet in public institutions; and the agricultural experiment stations are hereby authorized and directed to cooperate with the Secretary of Agriculture in carrying out said investigations in such manner and to such extent as may be warranted by a due regard to the varying conditions and needs of the respective States and Territories, and as may be mutually agreed upon; and the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to require said stations to report to him the results of any such investigations which they may carry out, whether in cooperation with the said Secretary of Agriculture or otherwise, twenty thousand dollars. ";;f‘¥°“°¤ °”“’°*¤· Innrcrvrrou AND Dmrxaom rsvnsrrcarroxsz To enable the Secretary · of A riculture to investigate and report upon the laws of the States and 'lirritories as affecting irrigation and the rights of appropriators and of riparian proprietors and institutions relating to irrigation and upon the use of irrigation waters, at home and abroad; with especial suggestions of the best methods for the utilization of irrigation waters in agriculture, and upon plans for the removal of seepage and surplus Reports. waters by drainage, and upon the use of different kinds of powe1·; and appliances for irrigation, drainage, and other agricultural pur oses and for the preparation, printing, and illustration of reports and) bulletins on irrigation and draina e, includin employment of labor in the city of Washington or elsewiere; and tge agricultural experiment stations are hereby authorized and directed to cooperate with the Secretary of Agriculture in carryin out said investigations in such manner and to such extent mayiie warranted hy a due regard to the varying conditions and needs and laws of the respective States and Territories as may he mutually n reed upon, and all necessary expenses, seventy-four thousand two hundgred dollars. Total for Office of Experiment Stations, nine hundred and seventeen thousand nine hundred dollars. §gkg<;_r¤¤<1¤- Sansnms, orrrcn or rmsmc norms: One director, who shall be a ` scientist and have charge of all scientilic and te_chnical work, two thousand five hundred dollars; one chief of records, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one instrument maker, one thousand two hundred dollars; one editorial clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk, class one, one thousand two hundred dollars; three clerks. at one thousand dollars each, three thousand dollars; two clerks (now laborers). at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, one thousand four hundred ping forty dollars; in all, twelve thousand three hundred and forty o ars. G°“°’°'°‘P°““°°· _ Pll’BLIC. norms: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to make inquiries in regard to the systems of road management throughout the llmted States; to furnish expert advice on road building; to make invesugatrons rn regard to the best methods of road making, and the .