. FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sruss. HI. Crrs. 1405, 1406. 1905. 883 best kinds of road—makin materials in the several States; to investigate the chemical and physical char·acter of road materials; for the employment of local and special agents, clerks, assistants, and other labor required in the city of Washington and elsewhere; for collating, digesting, reportinfg, and illustrating the results of such investigations and experiments; or preparing, publishing, and distributing bulletins and reports; for rent and repairs of a buildin not to exceed one thousand two hundred dollars; for necessary oéce fixtures and supplies, apparatus, and materials; telegra h and telephone service, traveling and other necessary expenses, and to enable him to assist the agricultural colleges and experiment stations in disseminating inforgiaiiion on this su ject, thirty-seven thousand six hundred and sixty ol ars. Total for office of public roads, fifty thousand dollars. Total, Department of Agriculture, six million six hundred and ninety-two thousand six hundred and ninety dollars. Emnnemzcr Arrnormnronz To enable the Secretary of Agriculture p,{°j'gf,§,€°“°Y “¥’l"°‘ to meet the emergency caused by the rayages of the Mexican cotton- Gvrwn insecw. dis boll weevil and other insects and diseases alfectin cotton; to study °°°°°’°°°‘ diversification of crops and improve cotton by breeding and selection in the Southern States, one hundred and ninet thousand dollars, or so much thereof as mag be necessary. And the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorize to expend the said appropriation in such manner as he shall deem best, in cooperation with the State experiment stations and practical cotton growers. . And the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to make such c f° "**° appointments, promotions, and changes in salaries, to be mpaid out of ' e lump funds of the several bureaus, divisions and offices of the Department as may .be for the best interests of the service: Provided, élfgvgim- { M M That the maximum salary of any classified scientific investigator in smp1°Sy§€¤?m.°° ° the city of Washington, or other employee engaged in scienti c work, shall not exceed three thousand dollars per annum. And the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized and directed to pay the salary of each employee from the roll of the bureau, independent division, o1· office in which the employee is working, and no other: Provided, how wer, That details may be made from the office of the Secretary when Iggtsils from <>¤i¤¤ necessary and the services of the person whom it is proposed to ° °°'°”"' detail are not required in that office; and he is further authornzed and R°*’°"· directed to submit to Congress each year a statement covering all appointments, promotions, or other changes made in the salaries paid from lump funds, giving in each case the title, salarky, and amount of such chan e or chan s, together with reasons there or. All classitieddgborers whose positions are transferred from the lump w’;*;’;,‘Q'f,’: °';;;f,{j_°f funds to the statutory rolls are hereby placed in the classified service tions. without further examination in the grades and at the rates of compensation herein provided. Approved, March 3, 1905. ` CHAP. 1406.-An Act Making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the March 3, 2905. government of the District of Columbia for the tiscal year ending June thirtieth, (li-**-18***1 nineteen hundred and six, and for other purposes. [Public, No. 139. j Be it enacted by the Senate and [Iowa of Re]2resenla!Zves of the Cizited States of Amere`z·¢z in, (.lmgre»vs asswnbled. That the half of the follow- DistriqtefColumbia ing sums named, respectively, is hereby appropriated, out of any "”"°l"""‘°“S· . money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and the other half nm from mmm out of the revenues of the District of olumbia, in full for the pur- '°"“““‘”‘ poses following, being for the expenses of the government of the
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