r1F·rr-1a1GHrn oonenuss. sm. 111. ou. 1406. 1905. 889 dred and forty dollars; workman, four hundred and eight dollars; four charwomen, at one hundred and eighty dollars eaclir; in all, ` twenty-four thousand and twenty dollars. For keeping the library open fifty-two Sundays, from two o’clock S“¤d°Y °P°“i”¥- postmeridian to ten o’clock postmeridian (eight hours), five holidays, rom ten o’clock antemeridian to ten o’clock postmeridian (twelve hours), and for extra services, three hours on Saturday afternoons guging July, August, and September, one thousand seven hundred o ars. DIISCELLANEOUS Fnnn Punuo LIBRARY: For purchase of books, ¥**°°“*·¤°°¤¤ five thousand dollars; · For binding, three thousand dollars; For fuel, lighting, fitting up building, and other contingent expenses, six thousand dollars; n all, fourteen thousand dollars. · CONTINGENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. For contingent expenses of the government of the District of °°¤'i¤8°¤*°¤P°¤¤°¤· Columbia, namely: For printing, checks, books, lawbooks, books of reference and periodicals, stationery; detection of frauds on the revenue; repairs of market houses; painting; surveying instruments and implements; drawing materials; binding, rebinding, repairin , and pfeservation of records; maintaining and keeping in good order the boratory and apparatus in the office of the inspector of asphalt and cement; damages; livery, purchase, and care of horses and carriages orbnggies not otherwise provided for; horseshoeiu ; fuel, ice, gas, repairs, repairs to pound and vehicles, use of bicycles by inspectors in the engineer department not to exceed five hundred dollars, and other general necessary expenses of District offices, including the sinking-fund office, board of charities, excise board, personal-tax board, harbor master, health delpartment, surveivor’s office, sealer of weights and measures’ office, po ice court, and epartment of insurance, forty thousand dollars; and the Commissioners shall so apportion this sum as to prevent a deficiency therein: Provided, That horses Pwviw. and vehicles appropriated for in this Act shall be used only for official U°° °f "°"°" °°°‘ puglposes. o part of the money appropriated by this Act, except appropria- mk?},; ,;>:n:_*gg¤dltions for the militia, shall be used for the purchase, livery, or main-' tenance of horses or for the purchase, maintenance, or repair of buggies or carriages and harness, except as provided for in the appropriation for contingent and miscellaneous expenses or unless ·the appropriation from which the same is proposed to be paid shall specifically authorize such purchase, livery, maintenance, and repair, and except also as hereinafter authorized. No part of the money appropriated bgrthis Act shall be used for the Hlgitgedinsumnce vm pavment of premiums or other cost of e insurance.' ‘ For contingent expenses of stables of the engineer department, stables. including forage, livery of horses, shoeing, purc ase and repair of vehicles, purchase and repair of harness, blankets, lap robes, purchase of horses, whips, oils, brushes, combs, spopges, chamois skins, buckets, halters, jacks, rubber boots and coats, m icines, and other necessary articles and expenses, five thousand dollars; and no expenditure on account of the engineer department for the items named in this paragra h shall be made from any other fund, except as hereinafter authorized. For postage for strictly official mail matter, six thousand dollars. P°¤“*8°- For rent of District offices, nine thousand dollars. ”·°“*~ For rent of old record vault, six hundred dollars.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/976