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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/977

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890 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Ill. Ch. 1406. 1905. For rent of office for department of insurance, eight hundred and forty dollars. For rent of property yards, three hundred dollars. For rent of storeroom for property clerk, three hundred dollars. coiiectinz personal For necessary expenses, inclu ing services of collectors or bailiifs mx"' in the collection of overdue personal taxes by distraint and sale and otherwise, and for other necessary items, three thousand dollars. Juaimi expenses. For judicial expenses, including procurement of chains of title, the printing of briefs in the court of appeals of the District of Columbia, and witness fees in District cases before the supreme court of said ' District, one thousand dollars. ¢¤¤>¤¤¤”¤¤Xr>¤¤¤<>¤· For livery of horse or horse hire for coroner’s office, jurors’ fees, witness fees, removal of deceased persons, making autopsies, ice, disinfectants, tele hone service, and other necessary supplies for the morgue, and tile necessary expenses of holding inquests, including stenographic services in taking testimony, and photographing unidentified bodies, two thousand two hundred. ollars. . Mv¤¤*¤i¤s· For neral advertising, authorized and required by law, and for tax and sclgdol notices and notices df changes in regulations, three thousand dollars. _Q_1 *******86* For advertising notice of taxes in arrears July first nineteen hundred and five, as required to be given by Act of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, two thousand dollars, to be reimbursed by a charge of fifty cents for each lot or piece of property advertised. ¤s§q§°;j*¤¤¤¤°“d For the enforcement of the game and fish laws of the District of ` Columbian., tptpealelxpended under the direction of the Commissioners, jive hun re o rs. ggtciiglbgggigg; For continuing work on the municipal building for the District of cream. Columbia, three hundred thousand dollars; and the limit of cost of said building, including cost of site, is hereby increased from two mmion dollars to two Enillion five hunprid thousand dollgrs. H R¤¤¤$>*i¤H d¤¤8¤1’· or carr ing out the rovisions-o the Act a rove March rst, Ouirtiilldsillgissa. eighteen hdrndred and niiiety-nine, entitled "AnlA)ct to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to remove dangerous or unsafe buildings and rts thereof, and for other purposes," to ay the members of the boardaof survey provided for therein, other than the inspector of buildings, at a compensation of not to exceed ten dollars eac survey, and to y the cost of making safe or removing suchbuilililngs upon the refldixal or neglect of the owners so to do. two thousan o lars. blfmt =*¢¤P*¤H ¤'¤· For purchase of land and improvements thereon for stable purposes ` for street-sweeping office, fifteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be immediately available. . For all necessary alterations to the improvements on said land, two thousand dollars. mlgjem J· '·°“'¤°*· For purchase of plats and field notes of lvilllalll J. Latimer, to be " immediate! · available, seven thousand five hundred dollars. M°’¥‘** “°'*'°l°· For stablh, wagon shed, and fence for morgue, five hundred dollars. wl:u:;·>~·¤m¢¤¤¤ wl IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS. c,f’__,‘F,{;‘gf"§§‘,§§0,*f';*t'},'f ELm1>:.u·rox or cminr: cnossmes: Toward carrying out the pro- Hcghl 31 767 visions of the Acts of Congress providing for the elimination of grade ' ’°'crossings and the construction of a union railroad station in the District of Columbia, approved February twelfth. nineteen hundred and V"l·32·P·9°°· one, and February twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and three, for purchase or condemnation of the land necessary for the plaza and new streets. and for reconstructing, grading, and paving, together with the necessary incidental work in connection therewith, the streets,