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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/978

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1406. 1905. 891 avcnues,_and ways changed in line or grade or newly created under the provisions of said Acts, including the employment on the approval *“'*"““° "°““**· of t is Act of special assistant counsel at a rate not to exceed threethousand dollars per annum; and one clerk, at a rate not to exceed one thousand dollars per annum, in connection with the settlement of claims for damagps incident to changes of grade, this sum to be expended under the provisions of said Acts, and to continue available until expended, four hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Assmssmimvr Arm rnnmrr woaxz For assessment and permit work, m{’§,?§f°”*°¤dP°'· one hundred and forty-seven thousand dollars. - ` For grading, lowering, and im roving Bunker Hill road crossing of B¤¤k¤! Hm r¤¤d· the Ba timore and Ohio Railroadp so as to eliminate the present grade mEi€l$:d°dm°g¤i»°é& crossing, thirteen thousand dollars; and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company is hereby directed to construct a bridge to carry its tracks over said road at the present track grades, the cost of said léridge to be borne entirely by said Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ompany. Wonx ox srmmars AND Avaivcmsz For work on streets and avenues "‘Q},’;§;f“ “"°°‘““'·" ° named in Appendix W, Book of Estimates, nineteen hundred and six, seventy-one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, to be expended in the discretion of the Commissioners upon streets and avenues specified in the schedules named in said a pendix and in the aggregate for each schedule as stated herein, namely: Grzononrowx SCHEDULES Five thousand seven hundred dollars.www Nonruwnsr saction scnmnmn: Twenty-four thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. Sonrnwnsr sncrron scnnnumzz Seven thousand eight hundred and fift ¢bHars. Sihumnasr sncrron scnmnmn: Fourteen thousand two hundred and iift dollars. . Igonruuasr sncrron scunnmm: Nineteen thousand dollars: Provided, That streets and avenues named in said schedules already $,*3;*- ved with paved with Belgian block or granite shall not be paved or otherwise Belgian bixk, em. improved under this appropriation, and the remaining streets and avenues, except as herein specified, shall be‘contracted for in the order in which they appear in said schedules, and be completed in such order as nearly as practicable, and shall be (paved, in the discretion of the Commissioners, instead of being grade and regulated. Under appropriations contained in this Act no contract shall be Limit rm asphalt made for making or relaying asphalt pavement at a higher price than *""`°‘“°“°" one dollar and sixty-tive cents per square yard for a quality equal to the best laid in the District of Columbia prior to July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and with same de th of base, nor more than one dollar and eighty cents per s uare yard) for laying standard asphalt block pavement equal to the bestllaid in the District of Columbia prior to July first, nineteen hundred and four: Providevl., That these con- 1mm.' ditior as to price and depth of base shall not apply to those streets on 1“°'°“’° "n°"°°‘ which, in the judgment of the Commissioners, by reason of heavy tratlic, poor foundation, or other causes, a pavement of more than ordinary strength is required, in which case the limit of price may he increased to two dollars per square yard. _ For replacin granite block pavement with asphalt on Third street, strlgtvsgving Thml between D and E streets southeast, three thousand seven hundred ' dollars. Ginuirxo srmmrs, ALLr:Ys, Asn norms: For purchase and repair of cmumg. cars, carts, tools, or the hire of the same. and horses, to be used by the inmates of the llfashington Asylum in the work of grading, and ~ pay of dump men needed to carry out the work. ten thousand dollars. Cospmrzurrox or srarzsrs, ROADS, AND ALLBYS: For dpurchase or Condemns0n_ condemnation of streets, roads, and alleys, one thousand ollars.