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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/987

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900 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1406. 1905. For necessary repairs to and changes in plumbing in existing school buildings, forty thousand dollars; a detailed statement shall be submitted to Congress of the expenditure of the foregoing sum, and for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven estimates shall be submitted in detail as to the particular school buildings requiring unusual repairs of and changes in plumbing. M¤¤“*****‘”“*°€- For the purchase and repair of tools, machinery, material, and . books, and apparatus to be used in connection with instruction in manual training, and for incidental expenses connected therewith, twenty thousan dollars. F“°’·For fuel, forty-five thousand dollars. ’”“"‘"“'°· For furniture for new school buildings and additions to buildings, as follows: One eight—room building in the sixth division numbered Blow, one thousang seven hundred and fifty dollars; one eight-room building in the first division numbered John W. Ross, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; furniture and equigment of the new Business High School, namely, for pupils’ desks an chairs, teachers’ desks, sectional bookcases, window shades and rollers, hat and coat lockers, furnishing recitation and teachers’ rooms, furnishing and installing automatic clock system and interior telephone system, oak gun racks and sword cases, drawing room equipment, library equipment, geografphy department, laboratory department, library books, equipmento gymnasium, equipment for the department of bookkeeping and business arithmetic and de artment of typewriting and shorthand, and seats for assembly hall, all complete, twenty-five thousand dollars; in all, twenty-eight thousand five hundred dollars. °°”“”K"“*°‘P°”““· For contingent expenses, including furniture and 1'epairsof same, books, books of reference, and periodicals, stationery, printing, ice, purchase and repair of equipments for high school cadets, and other necessary items not otherwise provided for, including livery of horse for the superintendent, thirty-eight thousand dollars. rmreeiums. For free evening lectures to be `ven in the public school buildin s or such halls as may be designatedqimder rules_and regulations of the - board of education, one thousand five hundred dollars. ’*°“°°· For purchase of pianos for school buildings, at an average cost not to exceed two hundred and twenty-five dollars each, two thousand five hundred dollars. sqpriampupin. For textbooks and school supplies for use of pupils of the first eight grades, who at the time are not supplied wit the same, to be distributed by the superintendent of public schools under regulations to be made by the board of education of the District of Columbia, and for the necessary expenses of the purchase, distribution, and preservation of said text-books and supplies, including one custodian of text- · books and supplies, at one thousand dollars, and one assistant, at six

 hundred dollars, fifty-two thousand one hundred dollars: I’rom'ded,

That the- board of education in its discretion is authorized to make exchanges of such books and other educational publications now on hand as may not be desirable for use.

  • `*“·¥*‘- _ For pure ase of United States flags, one thousand dollars.

mf,{‘}§"°““" °‘*‘“P‘ For ap aratus for the equipment of school playgrounds, one thousand tive hundlied dollars. g,{,’,§‘,f§_,'?‘“'" ““d Burnnrrms AND ononrzns; For the completion of the Business High School. forty-nine thousand six hundred) dollars, to be immediately available. For completion of one eight—room building, in the sixth division, twenty-nine thousand eightgliundred dollars. For completion of one eight—room building, first division, twenty- nine thousand eight hundred dollars. For site for and toward construction of one eight-room building in the fifth division to relieve Curtis School, thirty-four thousand eight